Guess How Many Books CEOs Read Each Year.... How Many Do You Read?

in #life6 years ago

Many of the top CEOs all have one thing in common, they read a lot. In fact, they read a ton more than the majority of Americans.

CEOs read on average about one book week and about 52 a year according to an article on Inc.

That is a lot of reading. 

According to other statistics, most Americans read about four books a year. 

There is something important in those stats. It shows that the people who use their imagination and learn more through reading are generally more successful. As a CEO, reading industry books keeps you ahead of the game.

For me, I've put down about 20 books this year. Many have been on Audible or audio CDs due to large amounts of driving. Here are a few that I've read/listened so far this year.

  • The Complete Sherlock Holmes Collection (Like 5 total books) - Doyle
  • The 10X Rule - Grant Cardone
  • Dot Com Secrets - Russell Brunson
  • Expert Secrets - Russell Brunson
  • Power Moves - Adam Grant
  • The Power of Body Language - Joe Navarro

I'm also a huge Clive Cussler fan so I've read a few of his books so far this year...

  • Spartan Gold
  • The Rising Sea
  • Mirage
  • Pharaoh's Secret
  • Arctic Drift
  • Silent Sea
  • Sacred Stone

My goal is to read 75 books this year. I'm on pace, and I'm trying to mix it up with industry and self improvement books and novels by my favorite writers. 

Reading is good for you. Speaking of that... Thank for reading.


i listen to this one book, many times.

eckharte tolle - the power of now

then I'll tire of it, think i've heard it all.

then a 6 months to a year goes by, and I do it again.

developing awareness, the (i feel) true power of your mind... isn't to think but perceive, to feel, to understand, to know.

I'll check it out.

I think reading is absolutely great for accumulating knowledge, but I don't necessarily agree on the reading of -only- books. For example, I think reading insightful medium posts (of course not all are good), or thought pieces or having great conversations with woke people also do a lot in gaining the wisdom that aren't always found in books.

Because books are after all, written by authors who are humans as well. And sometimes I wonder why an entire book needs to be written about something that could be explained in fewer words. Of course granted, there are some topics where you need to back it up with examples, anecdotes.

But sometimes all I want is a nugget of wisdom, and the book is too lengthy for that!!

Don't get me wrong though, I read a lot! But from various sources.. not just books! :D

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