8 out of huge can't be real

in #life5 years ago

Let's see how many worthless posts I can make today...

Image by Pexels from Pixabay


How do you rise up above low energy?
When it is everywhere you go?
Maybe I’m too sensitive for my own good
For in the bubble of my heart’s shield
Come many intrusions
And mostly it is not possible to avoid them.
There are also energy vampires that drink my energy
And leave me exhausted
I can keep myself clean as best as possible
But being dirty on the outside
Can be washed
Being dirty on the inside is not so good though;
How do you clean that?
Being in holy name is one way to avoid the dirt;
To be filled with that is so amazing
That there is no room for dirt to enter
And I can walk through it all and not be so affected.
When I am attached to something
I am bound to it and I carry a cord
Of that attachment around with me
Wherever I go
Not allowing the low energy is
The way to be detached from it
Until the time comes that you see it for what it really is


Old players on the stage 8 out of huge and happy;
Walking in thoughts:
Grumped with his limp shuffles past,
His bad belly calling to surrender
Dimples in his sandals,
Sidles into an alley tangled in wires.
Opera bop Shelly on the radio
Riding home on the surge,
All singing of the end
Yet hanging around
For their grail forgotten inside
And not for all the money does it talk.
So show the other face,
And how do you know what is real
Sinking in a ship already sunk?
How many dollars to get out of there?
How many walls must be broken?
Saddle up another dirge to chant,
This one’s got plenty of bad moments to last forever.
Sometimes it really doesn’t mean anything
And 8 thoughts a minute from big to huge
Then all fade away down the sink and out the window
Counting the seconds is all there is.
Is it all a page of paper in the water floating away then?


A young boy stands in the playground surrounded
By most of the other boys in school
And they are jeering and pushing him.
This had been going on for years
In all the schools he’d gone to,
But this time they were winding him up so much
He was ready to strike out.
Just before he does punch out
They run away laughing.
Another boy comes up to him
And before he can see who it is
He strikes out and hits the boy in the face.
It was his brother coming to ask if he was ok.
This hurt caused a very deep pain to the boy
And the memory stayed with him for the rest of his life
As a huge regret
Needless to say
It didn’t help with his relations with his brother
Who was younger than him?
And didn’t understand why he had been hit.
Bullying is a serious crime
And causes huge damage to the bullied
It is not a joke;
Do not do it.

Image from Pixabay

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