in #life6 years ago

Self Confidence. We would all like a little bit more of it but it doesn't come easy for some of us. While some people have natural aspects about them that easily make them feel confident, like height and a beautiful face, others cannot boast of such clutches. However, this should not stop you from feeling confident and comfortable in your own skin.
Here are 5 hacks to help with that.

  1. Stop seeking validation from others.
    Yep. Stop looking to other people to determine how happy you are, with yourself or your surrounding. Im sure you've heard this a million times but it is still as true as the first time you heard it. Other people are nice to have around but ultimately your happiness comes from within you. Go ahead and do the things that excite you. Adorn that hairstyle you've always wanted. Get those skinny jeans. Be the quirky you that you enjoy. That way, you will actually even meet more interesting and compatible people.
  2. Accept your weaknesses.
    I know this is counterintuitive but accepting the things you don't have can set you free. Do an honest assessment of yourself and write down the things you think are not good about you or the things you are not good at. Then accept these things. Now go ahead and work on them or let them be. If you choose to let them be, it will reduce the number of things you waste your energy on. If you choose to work on them, well, you will become a better person. Either way, remember to laugh at yourself about these things because if you don't, you will cry instead. Laughing at yourself will make you more comfortable and comfortable people are hot!
  3. Accept your strengths
    Yes, accept the the good in you too! I recently tried this. I wrote down the good things that come naturally to me on a piece of paper and i internalized them. Needless to say, I was walking on air for the rest of the day! Do it too. Write down the good in you, like friendliness or warmth or kindness, whatever it is. Internalise them and i promise you, you will see yourself in a way you've never seen yourself before. You will feel like King Kong. And King Kong was hot! ( 😁 )
  4. Forgive yourself.
    We all make mistakes. We all make costly, life jarring mistakes once in a while because we are human and despite what those so called life coaches tell you, no one has actually found the formula to life. So when you remember that stupid idiotic thing you once did, lay it aside and laugh about it. Understand that you are a work in progress, perfectly imperfect. Once you perfect the art of self forgiveness, you will feel more relaxed and comfortable and people will be drawn to you because people love people who see the bright side of things. Learn to give life the middle finger!
  5. Surround yourself with positive people.
    Advise as timeless as time. You will always end up with the same behaviour as the three people you spend your most time with. So make an effort to hang around the friends who make you feel happy about life, who like you just the way you are and aren't trying to change you, who have goals in life, who inspire you. This will give you a positive outlook about yourself and you may even get rich in the process!
  6. Practice contentment.
    There is a theory that states that you will persue the things you think you need but do not have. If you think you lack beauty, you may persue a plastic surgery. If you think you don't have enough money, you will obsess about money making. Seeking to better yourself is not a bad thing but obsessing about things you do not have is a vice. This is the age old trick that advertisers use to get you hooked to consumerism. " You don't make enough money so buy my book to learn easy ways to make money." " Your living room sucks so buy our sofa and look like a star!" "You don't look sexy enough, get these implants!" They make you pay attention to what you don't have and blind you to what you do have. Beat the system and learn to be content. You don't need a new sofa set, that worn one has some beautiful memories on it 😉. Love that crooked smile of yours, your small but sexy butt. There is no one like you. Love yourself. Appreciate yourself.
  7. F*ck social media
    Social media these days is just a hub for negative dimwits to dump their insecurities on the world. Just check out the comments on a public post to see how people actually hate each other. Ditch all that nonsense and learn to spend time with yourself in a quiet place. Maybe read a book you've always wanted to. Hold your lover's hand and take a lazy stroll in the park. All these are small things that actually contribute to genuine happiness. And when you do get on social media, please spread joy and good vibes.
    Now that you have a cheat sheet to life, go on and be you. Till next time.

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