The benefit of a sauna after exercise

in #life7 years ago

 the Majority of athletes and people involved in enhanced physical exercise, are aware of what benefits are the responsibility of the sauna after an intense workout.

— Enough already to think what to do on the weekend. Let's go to the sauna and won't bathe. — How is it?
© The author

 What is a sauna? This bath with very hot dry air. In contrast to the Russian bath in which wet steam, here the heat is achieved using a stone oven, heated to 120 degrees. The furnace heats the air in the room, but because of the low humidity it is possible to avoid burns and heat strokes. The steam room usually covered with wood, which, when heated, exudes a pleasant woody aroma. Of course, when building a sauna are selected those species that tolerate elevated temperatures and have useful properties.

the  About the benefits of steam room after exercise.

 Sauna is a huge benefit to the body. When heated, the body expands blood vessels, thereby reducing blood pressure. As a result the heart begins to work much better. Beneficial effects of a sauna after a workout on the cardiovascular system can be compared with the effect of a leisurely stroll. And you get it just sitting in a heated room.

 due to prolonged severe physical exertion in the muscles can build up lactic acid, they cause discomfort, aching pain and heaviness. Hot air excretes acid, and due to the increased blood flow fills the muscles with oxygen and nutrients.

 the Increase in body temperature provokes the increase of blood circulation and increases the body's ability to fight off viruses and bacteria. Besides, it helps to remove toxins and restore metabolism.

 due to high temperature increases perspiration. Along with the sweat excreted toxins, reducing weight. In addition, under the action of hot air to the skin and the muscles pumping the blood, which promotes relaxation, reduce nervous tension and physical strain It helps to recover faster, feel the lightness and vivacity even after heavy physical exercise.

 the Beneficial effects of sauna on the human body

Honey, I'm in the sauna. Everything is as you said: no women, some men. © The author

 Bath and sauna has been used for centuries among the Slavic peoples not only to enjoy leisure activities and hygiene, but also as a reliable, time-tested remedy. Using the sauna treated respiratory diseases of musculoskeletal system (sprains, dislocations, etc.), diseases of the joints. It becomes a good workout for the heart and blood vessels. Hot dry air contributes to overall relaxation, and relieves stress. Frequent sauna use will result in an overall rejuvenating effect on the entire body.

 the Indispensable sauna for those who want to lose weight. Due to sweating out excess water, toxins. As a result, in one visit you can lose from 500 g to 2 kg of weight. To avoid dehydration, after the sauna it is necessary to drink warm herbal tea or water. Sauna helps to expend calories (200 calories for a small time) and to restore the disturbed metabolism.

 the Sauna has a good cosmetic effect. Due to the high temperatures open the pores of the skin, it is cleaned, freed from blackheads, congestion, dead skin cells. Skin looks renewed, fresh and younger.

br> What are the rules when visiting the sauna after a workout

 to obtain maximum benefit from the Finnish sauna, you need to follow special rules:

➣ before heading to the Finnish sauna, you need to drink an average of about 900 ml of water, to avoid dehydration.
➣ time in the steam room may not exceed 15-20 minutes. A longer stay may be dangerous to health.
➣ in the shower before entering the sauna you can't use soap.
➣ the hair must be dry: a wet head is a good conductor of heat, it can lead to heat stroke.
➣ wrap a towel and sit on the bottom shelf, try to relax completely.
If during the session, feel dizzy, or more heart beats, you should immediately leave the steam room.
➣ after the sauna be sure to drink warm herbal tea (black currant, lemon balm or hawthorn) or several glasses of water.
➣ be sure to relax for at least 30 minutes and stretch the muscles.
➣ sauna you need to visit a few times a week.
➣ during the sauna in any case do not drink alcoholic beverages. In addition, if you are taking medicines, then discard them before and after the sauna. If you have any chronic diseases it is better to consult with your doctor about whether it is possible to visit the Finnish sauna and in what amount.

What is "douche"? - When you exit the sauna, and you meet her husband and your wife!

 following these simple rules will help you to truly enjoy the Finnish sauna, relax and receive from her the greatest effect after physical training. It is no coincidence that the Finns believe that the sauna purifies not only the body but the spirit.

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