Russian bathhouse
Today we will talk about the Russian bath. To overestimate the benefits of this procedure impossible. For men is the set of all Spa treatments for a relatively small price (just women tend to crave more refined procedures, and more my story is about men in the bath). Here and health, sober fellowship (personally I am strongly against the "green snake" in the bath, as I'll say) and many treatments for the respiratory, nervous, endocrine and other body systems. Gymnastics vessels, thermoproteus, cryotherapy (cold therapy).
And so, a visit to bath.
Go into the locker room and head to the dressing room. Spread all amenities, with pleasure inhaling the air of the dressing room, and it smells especially! And here's why: in advance 20 minutes, steam room, shelves in the summer vystelite herbs - more wormwood , which literally clears the brain, and various other pachucki as oregano, mint, Melissa. And in winter, mainly pine and dry sagebrush...But for about 10 minutes before stepping into the steam room for stones plaschem a decoction of mint, lemon balm and put to soak the twigs in cold water (in the Soviet times is strongly recommended to steam the broom only in hot water), thanks to the broom better holding sheet and it is enough for 2-3 baths.
And here we go to the dressing room, and there is the smell – the beautiful smell here, leaked from the steam mingled with the smell of soaked brooms (although in cold water). And a true bath attendants ALREADY predlazeniy condition (do not consider for vulgarity).
Everything is ready. The first visit. Went and sat for 10-15 minutes ( it all depends on your fanaticism and "experience"), 5 minutes after sitting, plaschem on the stove the water in which divorced 7-10 drops of lavender oil. First relax! After the release of the rest, and so three times. After a longer rest go into the steam room with brooms, gloves and cap. In – cap need not to get heat stroke, and mittens protect hands from burns, because when you start in full swing the brooms, so are in the zone that you can not see and burn the brush. After that, naturally, swimming pool and so again three times. Then, at this rate, four hours men's fellowship tea from herbs (cranberry, wild rose, Melissa, mint, camomile and, of course, ginger) with honey.
Now for the brooms
The most common broom – birch and oak, they are harvested in early July, always in dry weather (this sheet will hold better). I prefer oak broom, because he is better than heat pumps, and birch is not the one, but when I lived in the Urals, I preferred a birch broom. Oak is better - canadian (leaves similar to a maple, watch the picture), he leaves in 1.5 – 2 times more of the heat that is pumped broom harder.
About the bath procedure
In conventional medicine, there are many contraindications for visiting the steam room example – simple hypertension, then even I will not enumerate. But I will say the absolute opposite (but you choose to trust me or not)! If we exclude not only alcohol at the time of the procedure, but also Smoking, and at the same time to do everything carefully and correctly, the bath gives only positive results.
For example, in our company, in addition to avid attendant, there are people with hypertension, intracranial, and intraocular pressure, cardiovascular diseases. I have listed the most dangerous. Gymnastics of the blood vessels at difference of temperature and multi-pass cycle "pool-steam room" with a reasonable approach relieves almost any ailments.
Here is my example. I have sometimes the pressure of 160/80, and at the exit from the bath it is, as a rule, 125-115/80-75. BUT! I have a bath "experience" 39. But we, as I said, there are quite a novice bathhouse and not very healthy, and when carefully – it's all good.
Did you know that after 30 the average untrained human blood volume in the muscles is reduced by half?
So regular visits to the bath compensates for this by improving blood flow and the movement of lymph, thus, be healed arthritis, arthrosis, osteochondrosis. Eliminates swelling (improved kidney function), cleaned muscle spasms, improving the condition in the presence of hernias of the spine. Improves the function of the genitourinary system.
Sidenote: did you know that the rate of lymph is 4 mm / sec, and the bath, and even with a simple massage, increases the speed of lymph flow up to 8 times!
And another about the benefits of saunas
With the help of bath athletes get rid of the effects of trauma in 1.5-2 times faster than those who bath not attend.
The maximum temperature on the surface of the skin of the person when exiting the steam room is to 40.8 degrees Celsius. When thermoprotector such power, the existing cancer cells are destroyed and leave the body.
When a 3-hour bath procedure a person loses 2.5 – 3 liters of sweat (which is why it is important to maintain the water in the bath).
To be continued...
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