
Trans-hate is a sign of personal insecurity and shallow thought. Niggers, invaders, and the Satanic 'Jewish' Elite Control is then ignored. When was interracial marriage legalised? Ages ago, and yet (female) interracial is far more damaging to the Aryan race than even mass promotion of post-op trans. But fools will fall for the most recent change, always reacting to the most recent change. Even /pol/ is easily played by the 'Illuminated' Satanic Elite. It's also funny because evolutionarily speaking, a straight white male should support MtF as it means less competition for him.

"So they turned back, and when they came on their way to the city of Ascalon in Syria, most of the Scythians passed by and did no harm, but a few remained behind and plundered the temple of Heavenly Aphrodite. This temple, I discover from making inquiry, is the oldest of all the temples of the goddess, for the temple in Cyprus was founded from it, as the Cyprians themselves say; and the temple on Cythera was founded by Phoenicians from this same land of Syria. But the Scythians who pillaged the temple, and all their descendants after them, were afflicted by the goddess with the “female” sickness: and so the Scythians say that they are afflicted as a consequence of this and also that those who visit Scythian territory see among them the condition of those whom the Scythians call “Hermaphrodites”. — The Histories, book I, chapter 105. Herodotus.