You need to learn to let go of some excess luggage in your life if you must grow

in #life5 years ago

Good evening steemians and a happy weekend to you all. Thank God it's Friday.

I always like weekends because it's time where you ease yourself of work stress, find a place and cool off a bit with one or two bottles. However, for workaholics like us, we do not have such time because we constantly rack our brain on the new step to take or debating on which path to take.
So today I want to take the path of searching our minds to find out what happens when we hang on the things that God himself wants to take off our hands.

You may have prayed for too long for God to give you one thing or the other, you are praying for a miracle, for child, for a husband, a wife, a good relationship, a better family, a good job, career and what have you. But have you sat back to reflect what could cause the delay?

The truth is that there are things that are withholding these things we hope for from coming our way. For the purpose of this post, I would just expound on two things that hinders us from getting there.

The first is our mindset, the mind is the center of life, thus the bible cautions that we should guard our minds cause out of it comes issues of life, a verse in the scripture also states that as a man thinketh in his hearth (mind), so is he. This is very true because ones you imprison your mind, you imprison your entire body, most time people do not need to build prison to imprison humans, you just need to imprison their minds against dreaming big or thinking positive. Once you think that you cannot do or achieve that thing, then there is no way you can have it. Just start to think big and think outside the box.

Do not restrict yourself to what people say or think about you. Rather seek to know and accept what God says and thinks about you. The scripture says, for I know the thoughts I think towards you, they are of good not of evil, and to give you and expected end. What an assurance from God to you and I.

You may also be restricted if you have the wrong people in your life. This is a topic for another day, but let me just give you a little tip and demonstration from the Holy Book, In Genesis, God stopped talking to Abraham till when Lot his cousin was seperated from him. The Bible said that after Lot was separated from Abraham, the Lord appeared to Abraham in a dream and say that he would be a father of many nations and that he would give him and his descendant the land that his eyes would see as far as the eyes would reach.

Beloved, no hard feelings, but right now I want you to reflect about the people you call your friends and the contact you have on your phone, how useful have they been to you in the past years or of recent? Have they in any way tried to help you achieve your dreams or support you in any way? If no, then you should know what to do.

Stay tight, lemme go get a beer for myself

Happy weekend folks. I remain your brother @voclab

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