📌Afraid of speaking freely... (Original wildlife photographs and thoughts)

in #life7 years ago (edited)

In your country - what does freedom of speech mean?

looking over shoulder.png

Mankwe dam reservoir in Pilanesberg is always a great spot to observe a variety of birds. I was hanging around the dam on a Sunday morning in June in the hopes of catching a Pied Kingfisher in my lense while it hovered. I found the Kingfisher sitting on a dead tree at the edge of the water. It was not in a mood to take off and hover. It was constantly chirping and then in a peculiar gesture, looking over it's shoulder. Almost as if it was afraid to chirp freely!

This made me think about the general freedom of speech scenario in the world today. Do we really have freedom of speech, I wondered. I plunged in to some research to sate my curiosity and came up with a good understanding where we stand on that subject. Before that though, here is the picture I took of that Pied Kingfisher with my Nikon P900.

Freedom of speech is almost a cliche' figure of speech that is coveted by most intellectuals around the world. Common people on the street feel strongly about it but seldom know what that is.

Freedom of speech is often mistaken for being able to say stupid shit.

Often, freedom of thought is traded in by people and they are happy that they have freedom of speech!

In my humble view, freedom of speech is truly imbibed and adopted in a society when people realize that the basic intent of freedom of speech regulation in any country is that people should have the right to express themselves freely and publically, without restraint, censorship or legal penalty BUT the right needs to be exercised by people with due regard to the safety, security and dignity of individuals as well as the nation.

Maturity is essentially required to be displayed by a society regarding the freedom of speech. Though there may not be a congregation of thoughts on any particular subject, the voice that brings the dissident view should also be honored and heard. Voltaire's comment on this aspect is very apt.

"I disapprove of what you say but will defend to the death your right to say it." - Voltaire

I am disappointed to see, around me that no one is actually defending our right to freedom of speech. In the regions that I haunt regularly, India and Africa, often only lip service is given to freedom of speech. People are not openly oppressed about what they say but the environment is created such that the common man is too afraid to raise his voice.

It is interesting to take a look and see what the situation is around the world.

Global Attitudes survey on Freedom of Speech, Press and Internet

As per this source, results of a survey conducted on aspects related to freedom of speech in 38 countries are as follows:

It comes as no surprise to me that Americans are the most supportive of freedom of speech, press and internet.

Tolerance Index

AS per this source, researchers conducted a survey with 5 questions related to freedom of expression and provided scores based on which a 'toelrance index' has been calculated. Following image is self explanatory when it comes to seeing the tolerance level of various countries.

As we can easily see from the image, many countries in Asia and Africa appear to be stifling freedom of speech. My impression, mentioned above, based on my travels, is true.

Emerging role of social media

Social media, offering a bit of a cloak of anonymity, is proving to be good route for freedom of expression. However, the centralized access control in countries like China is stopping people en-mass from expressing ANYTHING on social media.

Digital censorship is at it's maximum in some countries.

Decentralized content creation platforms may be the answer?

In Conclusion:

Speaking freely is a fundamental right - defend it with all your might!

Steemians, please comment freely to share your experiences, knowledge and views about freedom of speech status in your own country.Thanks.

Note: All images except for the wildlife photos and the title image created by me are from pixabay.com.

Gif crafted by the Legendary @stellabelle for me


I am very glad that the value of your photos and postings has risen these days.
I feel like your value is being proven right.
It's hard to read all the long sentences that are still in English
I am happy just to see your picture

freedom of speech in my country just means shutting up. I believe people are still so scared of defending their right to death, cos dey fear if they do, it would be all for waste cos wot they gave their lives, still hasn't changed. #freedom2speak

That is so sad. It was exactly what I have noticed and mentioned in my blog. I hope the situation improves and slowly awareness sets in. We can help in spreading awareness and do our bit through media such as Steemit.
Thanks for sharing your views. Upvoted your comment.

excellent work friend and everything that expresses a free photograph of a bird and what it reflects .. good post greetings ..

Glad you liked it. Thanks for taking time to visit my blogs. Upvoted your comment

thanks to you for your vote friend your work is excellent and very interesting ...

It's beautiful ! I'm fond of watching and recording birds along the river in Taiwan after work. But I'm only using amateur Sony handy cam. Common kingfisher is easy to be seen but not easy to be recorded like you did. Thank you for the good post.

I am happy you like it. Kingfisher is one of my favorite birds. Hope you are able to get a good detailed shot soon. Thanks for your comment. Upvoted it

beautiful pics and i enjoy reading the story , happy holiday's

Thanks my friend. Happy holidays to you too. Upvoted your comment

Same to you and yours ,, thanks for sharing and caring

We should be able to say what we want everywhere. Freedom of speech is really important and we need to continue making the world free to talk . We are given a tongue for a reason, so why not use it ?

Keep up the great work ! = )

True that. We also need to be responsible in our using the tongue though. Thanks for your thoughtful comment

Exactly. We need to be careful like you said = )

REALLY VERy nice work........
awesome post....
i like your content

Thanks for your visit to my blog

Upvoted and followed. Thankyou for the brief post...

Thanks for your visit to my blog and the follow.

I am very glad that the value of your photos and postings has risen these days.
I feel like your value is being proven right.
It's hard to read all the long sentences that are still in English
I am happy just to see your picture

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