
The only thing I change for others are the few little things that prevent others from thinking I'm totally insane, so I'm allowed in most establishments and so I can survive until this writing and music thing takes off. I do this all to make my life easier, not because I'm worried what people think, too much of that in the past, it just weighed me down so much. To tell you the truth, I still feel worn down and constricted when i have to look at advetisements everywhere and I'm not allowed to just spray paint over them to protect others from such negativity.

Right, I see. I am reading a book on permaculture and it said somewhere that people consider anyone who's different from the average/ who is trying new things, insane. While you could argue that the masses - who ignore (human) nature on a daily basis - are actually the insane ones. It's just that they are the majority.

I get what you mean though. It's important to make your life easier. It's tough enough as it is.

I was definitely happier - as a kid - when I wasn't bombarded yet with ads and news. When I was playing outdoor all day.

I aim to rediscover that way of living, and in a way that is what I'm working on right now.

Take care!

the funny thing is to watch what used to be considered sick or insane slowly become the mainstream accepted culture.

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