Secret of Success

in #life7 years ago (edited)

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What are the people who are considered successful? Especially those people who have achieved success in different fields in their life. Examples of many successful people can be found around us . But how do they get success easily? In this Post, I am going to tell you the Secret of Success, that I have learned from reading about successful peoples.

Most successful people are not born as Successful. Rather they have achieved success. And persistent hunger like Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Mark Zuckerberg, Henry Ford, Walt Disney etc... So did these people know the secret of success? That is not the case with other people. By reading this Post till the end, you will know all the secret of success.

Successful people Set Goals and try to Achieve it :

Successful people are normal. They keep the actual goal in their mind only. They know what they want and why they are fighting to get it. Successful people make a smart goal and try to get it. When you set goals you inspire yourself. To achieve smart, your ability and habits will need to be developed. Only then can you move slowly towards your goal. By adopting these rules, you can develop yourself and set goals.

Successful people make Wise decisions and take immediate actions :

It does not matter how intelligent you are or how many degrees you have achieved. Until then you can not change anything in this world unless you take an action. Knowing how to do something and actually trying it out is to see. There is a huge difference in these two points. If you do not take action, your knowledge and your intelligence are of no use. That is why you need to take action according to your knowledge, thinking carefully and making decisions and after taking decisions, then you will succeed and fulfill your dreams.

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Try to Work Out of Your comfort and convenience :

Many times I see that successful people adopt any occasion to only because they are always ready. Rather they want to learn something by adopting new opportunities. They want to earn more knowledge and develop their qualifications and experiences. The truth is that when the opportunity comes, then nobody think himself 100% ready. Because, in our lives, the opportunities come from a very wide range of opportunities for us to develop mentally and intellectually. Such occasions put pressure on us to work out of the field full of comforts.

You should understand that where you do not feel comfortable you are not fully prepared. If you want to bring positive change in your life then you will have to come out of your own area and face challenges by adopting them. And even if you are not 100% ready, you will have to face challenges.

Always do small-small tasks and concentrate on continuous progress :

Henry Ford once said, "If you spend hard work in small pieces, then that work will also be easy for you."

We can understand the same thing with the help of a question: How would you use one hand? Answer: By eating a one-piece piece at a time. By adopting this concept you can achieve a bigger goal too. That's why start doing small work always - how good it will be to be successful by gradually achieving your goal. And if you try to do something small then you will not even need much inspiration. By doing something small you can make yourself a happy moment and achieve what you need. By doing this you will have a positive change.

Keep doing the same Work, try to achieve your goal and then plan to solve the difficulties. For example, if you want to lose weight then first make a healthy eating list for yourself and when you are hungry eat the same food. Doing this will be a bit difficult at the beginning. But it will be easier for you to do this later. And that's what I want to tell you here. As your strength increases, you will start accepting big challenges.

Focus on your progress and Keep Going :

Successful people do not work in their job or business only. Rather they also work on them. They go back one step daily and count their progress. They focus on their progress in contrast to their goals and make PLAN what to do next. If you do not pay attention to your progress then you can not even control it.

First you have to know what your goal is and what factors influence your goals. And those things should be taken care of. I would like to give you this opinion that it is important to know that what is your goal behind doing any work. And in your work there is something that affects your goals. Only then will you be able to focus on your progress. Whether you can count your progress in Months, in the weeks, or even in the year. It does not matter whether you make less progress or more at a time. It just matters to know that you have done the mistake that you did when you first did not do the mistake while working for the second time.

Learn from your mistakes and have a positive attitude :

Successful people always focus on positive words. They look at their own positivity in any situation. Because they know that their positiveness makes them great. If you want to be successful then your attitude towards this world should also be positive. Life will keep on Checking you at every turn. But if you have filled the negativity within yourself then you can never become positive.

Always remember, every mistake you make is your progress. Mistakes teaches you important lessons. The more you make a mistake, the more you go closer to your goal. But choosing to do nothing will be your biggest mistake and he will also give you much sorrow and doing so will make you afraid to make a mistake.

Keeps balance in your life :

If you ask the people what they want in life, then they will ask this question, they will say, "love to love", "want to earn money", "want to spend time with family", "happiness wants to be" , "Want to achieve the goal" etc. But it is a matter of great sadness that people can not balance their life in order to achieve their goals. And with great difficulty, one or two of these things can be achieved.

Let me give you two examples:

  1. I have a friend who earned millions of dollars online last year. Given the success of his business Every industrialist wants to see him. Know what happened? Just a few days ago, he told me that he is very sad. I asked, why? He replied, "I am completely stressed and I am alone. I can not find time for myself and I feel the lack of somebody in my life. "I thought to myself," A successful and wealthy person I know is sad. He does not consider himself successful because he is not happy with the way he has balanced his life. "

  2. In other words, I also know such people. Do not forget to do everyday. And gradually move forward. Such people spend time with their family as soon as they finish their job. Have fun and all sleep together and live happily with life. Such people only need money as much as nourishing their family. In such a case, they start thinking of themselves as successful. Because money is not a success for them. Their happiness for them is their success.

With these two examples we can understand how much it is necessary to be balanced in life.

Everything in life should be done according to the need, if any thing is more than the proof then it can become poison for us too. Thousands of people in the world will find examples that have earned money and made successful in their life but they can not be happy because of not keeping their life balanced. If you are always thinking about your past or dreaming about the future in the future, then you will lose the present moments of your life. Remember that past and future is only an illusion and real life is here and today.

Spend time with right and good people :

Successful people live with compassionate, and helpful people. They are in contact with the people who come in the room when the positive energy is entered and the room becomes light.
You should also spend time with similar people. If you spend time with the wrong people, then negative thoughts will be communicated in you. But if you remain with the good people, then you will develop the ability to achieve success and communicate the positive. That is why they are in touch with good people to bring positive change in their life.

Thanks You Guys for Reading My Post, If You Like it Please Upvote, Resteem and Follow me For More. Have a Nice Day :)


Life is very short, so set goals, achieve them to savor the succee. I agree that we can't enjoy the success without having a balanced life . Nice post

You need to enjoy the process and make yourself comfortable and surrounded with people you care and they also care about you. Also be calm and calculated but above all patient.
Great post.

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