Principles of Wealth - Morning Motivation

in #life7 years ago

SECRETS OF THE MILLIONAIRE MIND - Selected Principles from T. Harv Eker's book will help you become wealthy.
Your income can only increase to the extent, the extent to which you grow!

If you want to change the fruits, then you have to change the roots first. If you want to change the things you see, before that you have to change the invisible things.

Money is result, wealth results, health results, illness results, your obesity results. We live in a world of cause and result.

Thoughts lead to emotions. Emotions lead to actions. Work leads to results.

When the subconscious brain has to choose one of the deepest emotions and logic, the emotions will almost always win.

If the root of the motivation of money or success is negative, such as fear, anger or need to "prove" yourself, then money can never make you happy.

The only way to change room temperature permanently is to reset the thermostat. Similarly, the only way to change your financial success level "permanently" is to re-define your financial thermostat i.e. the blue print of your money.

Consciousness keeps observing your thoughts and actions, so that you live by the right choice in the present moment instead of past programming.

Remember, instead of thinking in hindering ways, you can choose to think happily and with ways to increase success.

Money is extremely important in those areas, in which it works and is very unimportant in those areas in which this does not work.

When you habitually complain, you become a magnet for attracting the living and painful temptations.

The rich people play to win money games, play poor people to avoid losing the game of money.

If your goal is to be comfortable, then it is likely that you will never be able to become rich. But if your goal is to become rich, then there is a possibility that you will become very comfortable.

Most people do not get what they want because of this main reason, because they do not know what they want.

If you are not completely and truly devoted to becoming wealthy then it is likely that you will not be able to become.

Rich people think big, poor people think little.

Income Rule: You will get paid in proportion to the value you give according to the market.

The secret to success is not to try to avoid problems or to get rid of them or to cut them off; The secret is to make yourself so big that you become bigger than any problem.

If there is a big problem in your life, then this only means that you are far too small!

If you say that you are capable, then you are. If you say that you are not capable, then you are not. In both ways, you will live life according to your written story.

Every giver should also have one recipient and every recipient should have one giver.

Money will make you more than just what you already have.

The rich people believe, "You also have a cake and you can eat it." The middle class people believe, "Coke increases obesity, so I will take only a small piece of it." The poor people believe They are not entitled to the cake, so they order berries, focus their holes and think about why they have "nothing".

Either you control money, or it will control you.

The rich people look at every dollar as a "seed", which can earn hundreds of dollars from the boker, and which can again earn thousands of dollars by boobing.

True warrior "can make the serpent of fear a pet."

If you are just willing to work smoothly then life will be difficult. But if you are willing to work hard then life will be easy.

You can develop yourself only by staying outside a comfortable realm.

Every master was ever unsuccessful.

You must be the best to get the best payment.

Hope You Enjoyed Reading the Post. Have a Great Day Guys! Follow me!

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