Healthy Relationship TipssteemCreated with Sketch.

in #life7 years ago

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Healthy Relationships, having good relationships, is a pleasant feeling that every person in this world wants to get.

Relation is like a pillar in our life on which the entire ceiling of our life is resting. The more columns that are stronger, the more life that life is, the happier it is and the long-lasting. Unless the columns are safe, no power in the world can harm the roof. If there is any problem then this strong column can handle everything very easily.

The advantage of having good relationships is that it gives happiness many times when happiness comes and reduces it many times when it comes to grief.

Anyone who understands the importance of relationships, whatever happens, does not leave any difficulty in making the relationships sound and good, but on the contrary, those who do not understand the importance of relationships properly understand relationships Assuming the object or business, they get the result that when time comes, they can not get the help of relationships and the happiness that they get from them.

Money is being used today to link most relationships, whereas the fact is that relationships are very fragile, they can not be linked to the burden of money, but the need for hearts to add such a delicate experience. is.

The relationship between the heart-linked relationships is so deep that it is not a matter of finding someone to shake. Everyone wants to have good and strong relationships.

But many people often get many questions related to relationships such as how to make relationships strong? (How to make strong relationships?) Or what are the ways to build good relationships? (How are good ways to build good relationships?) Or how to make bad relationships good?

so friends! Keeping this in mind, I am writing this article to remove Relationship problems. Here I will tell you some Tips to Build Good Relationships.

The specialty of these Relationship Tips is that if you want to have a relationship with your husband or a girl friend and boy friend, there is a relationship of friendship or a relationship with a brother or a relation of the world, I have told the Good Relationship Tips All relationships Will work in the same way.

1- Never give money to relationships (Healthy Relationship Vs Money) :

Most of the relationships that are being created nowadays are being made from money. Money can be any business with money, but a good relationship can not make him. And if they are gone then they can not stay for long.
Such relationships are between money and not between hearts. If a relationship is weighed with money, then meditation remains on money, not on sharing happiness or sorrow. So do not ever discourage relationships with money.

2- Learn to accept mistakes (Admit your mistakes) :

Whenever we create a relationship, sometimes there are some mistakes that are not deliberate. Such relationship mistakes should be accepted or forgotten immediately.
If the mistakes are taken into consideration, they will go away again, then the relationship created will be weakened. Accepting a mistake does not make any person small, but it increases the trust between the relationship.

3- Listen to others' things carefully (Listen to others Carefully) :

Whatever your relationship is, do not just tell them about your own words or feelings, but listen very carefully to what you say. By doing this, the other feel that you are giving her things and her importance.
By doing so, the relationship between the two will be strengthened and you will also know his feelings towards him.

4- Keep your attention with whom you are concerned (Be careful person) :
To strengthen relationships, it is important that you take care of your relationship very well. Whatever relationship you want, love as much as you love. If anybody has the right to take care of his eating habits and his feelings, and if someone is distant then by calling him from time to time, make him realize that you miss him and you are carefree for him.

5- Relationship should be from the heart, not the mind (Relationship should be heart, not by mind) :

Any one of your relations should be from the heart. Relationships made by mind are often deceived and they do not go for long. Heart-drawn relationships always delight, whereas the relationships created by the mind always give tension.
A heart-shaped relationship keeps your heart beat, whereas the brain-based relationship changes with ideas. Therefore, the relation for Healthy Relationships should be from the heart.

6- Do not break any relationship with profit and loss (Profit-Loss Vs Relationship) :

Nowadays, most people start to break relationships with Profit-Loss. The relationship that benefits, keeps them and eliminates the relationship that begins to suffer. It is absolutely wrong to do this. Relationships are meant to accompany happiness in misery. When you do not accompany him in one's grief, the other will give you support in your grief. Good relationship will never be your profit, then never compare the other, but never compare the profits.

7- Conversation and meeting is very important between good relationships (Development Better Communication for Healthy Relationships) :

Just as a plant needs water and manure from time to time to grow, so talking and meeting is very important for building a strong relationship. Keeping good communication leads to a deeper in relationship. Someone has told the truth that meeting is necessary if the relationships are to be done or else by forgetting it, plants also dry up.

8- Trust is very important in relationships :

The whole relation is sustained only on the strong pillar of faith named Faith. Faith is like a building in which if any relationship is booming, then no matter how heavy rain, typhoon and hurricane come, nothing can spoil that relationship. Trust in each other in the relationship also increases the depth of the relationship and protects it from negative things too.

9- Complete commitment or commitment in relationships is very important (Fulfill your Commitment in Relationships) :

Nowadays there are many commitments or promises in relationships but they are not fulfilled. This is also a very big reason for having a weak relationships. If you have to build a healthy relationship then it should be kept in mind that do not do any commitment and if you do, then make every effort to fulfill it. More than half the relationships are broken due to not being fulfilled.

10- Do not Compare Relationships to Knowledge (Knowledge Vs Relationship) :

Relationships are strengthened to share happiness and sorrow. If knowledge is also divided into relationships, then it will be well on gold. The thing to keep in mind is that knowledge can be shared for sharing knowledge, but if the knowledge begins to compare with each other, the relationship starts weakening there. If you compare it with someone, there is more or less in knowledge. If you compare it, there is no heart's relationship.

11- Give them some space in their life :

Give the person who has a good relationship with you, give them some space in their life. They should feel that your life is incomplete without them. Do some work with them that they feel they can not do the job without them. For example, you can make them feel that unless they talk to you, they can not feel well.

12- Forget the old bad things and never hide anything from them (Forget old bad things and never Hide Anything) :

If such things happen in relationships then you give bad experience, that is, you may have made some mistakes from you or the other. That is exactly what happens once they forget mistakes and bad things, they should never be remembered. It can not be wise for you to ruin relationships by remembering the old things. At the same time, it is important for healthy relationships that you never hide the relation between your relationship with each other. When no matter is hidden then no doubt (doubt) will ever be born.

Friends! In addition to these 12 Healthy Relationship Tips, I have 5 Relationship Advice to tell you to relieve relationship problems, please read them also -

1- More quantity of time does not necessarily give good relationships, but the quality of time remains good with more quality of time.

2- It is also very good to give gifts from time to time to strengthen relationships. Never try this method and then see its awesome.

3- Healthy relationships require that you maintain good and positive feeling for them.

4- Support your relationships when you need them and help them even when they need help.

5- Always be loyal to relationships and keep on giving love and affection to your relationships.

Thank You Much for reading my Post, I hope You Liked it. Please Do Comment, Upvote, Resteem and Follow. Have a Wonderful Day :)


Nice tips.Thanks for sharing.

Should have posted this 3 weeks earlier.. hahah

lovely tips.. we can never have enough relationship tips! ;-)

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