Containers of Manifestation:

in #life8 years ago (edited)

Containers of Manifestation - Micheael Ramstead.jpg

Don’t we all get sick of putting up this front of an emotionless, ‘tough’, ‘careless’ individual where we are not allowed to express our true emotions?

In what moment in time was it found socially acceptable or even admirable for people to hold onto their emotions, to smile when all they want to do is cry, to close their mouths when all they want to do is scream?

Think back to early years of school when right from the beginning we were taught what expression was appropriate and what was not. Not much fun having to swallow your emotions is it?

Now some of you may think, “Pshh, no. I like being strong, I don’t feel. I don’t have emotions like other people”. And by all means, if you are happy living that way then go full steam ahead. But if you are not happy, then perhaps question yourself as to what this façade is really doing for yourself. What worries me is the inability for peple to truly feel life, to express themselves, to rid themselves of the emotional energy that swarms inside of them and manifests itself in destructive ways.

You only have to look as far as physics to know that energy cannot be created nor destroyed. So what are we supposed to do with our emotional energy? Logically the feasibility of simply ‘wishing’ them away is minimal. The emotion as energy needs to be released, transformed, altered and allowed for a constructive existence in this world. With all the current research being completed into the connection between emotions and poor health, it is a wonder why it is still the dominating belief to think that holding onto destructive emotions makes you strong. One could argue, it does the exact opposite of that to your internal and external physical state.

We have the ability to alter what we view as socially acceptable, what is admirable. So think to yourself, what would benefit yourself? What would benefit your closest friends and family? Think for a moment, if it were acceptable and even encouraged for you to release all the destructive energy before it was able to manifest inside of you, before it had the destructive ability to ruin your day, destroy your relationships, to bring you so far down you didn’t know how to get back up, would this help you or others you know?

You have to ability to sit, to talk, to open your hearts and minds to others and to express yourselves without the hindrance of feeling as though you are ‘weak’ or ‘not a real man’.

Let’s entertain that ludicrous idea shall we; ‘you’re not a real man’. So if not ‘real’, you must be ‘fake’, correct? Think how ironic it is to call someone ‘fake’ when they are open and honest with their emotions, where rather than putting up this ‘strong’ façade they are truthful to themselves and others. Now this of course is applicable to all sexes, to all ages as long we challenge these limiting social rules.

You now have the knowledge that openness and honesty through your emotional state can lead to the release of that destructive energy which longer has the chance to manifest inside of you, because it no longer resides inside of you. Would you really allow yourself or people around you to become containers of destructive manifestation?

(Artwork: Michael Ramstead)

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