Pet therapy for a long sad night

in #life6 years ago (edited)

I didn’t realize how much I needed this kitty snuggle until I got it.

This week has been rough for me. I’ve been lending emotional support to my friends and family members to the point where I’m spreading myself thin. I feel drained and I would like to run away now.

@guthrie’s still having trouble sleeping at night which causes us a lot of stress because we’re not able to relax. He’ll beg for us to hang out in our room until he sleeps and then he’ll call out to us in the middle of the night. It’s screwing up my sleep schedule.

Two days ago I attempted to sleep while the boys were away but my friend had sent me a text asking if she could FaceTime me. Something seemed off so I told her it was fine and I knew my hunch was spot on when she started crying. She got into a big fight with her boyfriend and he was getting ready to pack up his things to move out. We talked for two hours and I was able to give her advice and calm her down. Thankfully they were able to reconcile and decided that it would be best to live apart but stay together. I didn’t get to sleep after that call. Everyone decided to text and call me after that.

My parents, who are newly divorced, are driving me insane. My mother still hasn’t opened up to me about where she’s living currently. She contacts me so I can relay messages to my father, since she’s not on speaking terms with him. I’m pissed at her because she doesn’t know if she’s going to show up for Christmas at Grandma’s this year.

My father is going through a midlife crisis. Currently, he’s out of the country and back home in the motherland. I found out from my brother that he’s dating and had the option of dating someone within his age range but decided to date someone who’s old enough to be my sister instead. I’m annoyed and trying to keep my cool. I told him that he needs to take things slowly and he needs to put himself first. Somehow I have to get it through his thick skull that it’s fine to be single at his age and he doesn’t have to rush into a relationship, especially with a younger woman just to piss off my mom.

While snuggling with the cat, I broke down crying after getting off the phone with my sister-in-law. She’s still mourning the loss of her aunt and now her cousin, who was five, has passed away. Her cousin had a heart transplant that didn’t go well and suffered from many complications after the surgery. I feel for the family and their loss.

I snapped a bunch of pictures of the cat to make myself feel better.

This year sucks. 🦊


Naw sorry you had so many crappy things happening one after the other 😢 glad you got some kitty therapy.

Think you should tell your mum to tell your dad herself or hire a professional mediator if they’ve still got stuff that needs to be resolved. And then stop relaying messages. Hope you’re able to take some time out for yourself.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Thanks @ryivhnn.

I’ve been telling her to talk to my dad herself but she seems to always push her way back in. 😓 I don’t think I’ll be getting any breaks until the little guy gets back to his normal sleep schedule. I’m hopeful that he’ll overcome his fears soon.

Ergh that's frustrating. Keep saying no do it yourself every time anything along the lines of "let Dad know/tell Dad/etc" comes up with the assertion that you are absolutely NOT doing it and if she doesn't do it, it's simply not going to get done and it won't be anyone else's fault other than her own no matter how much she might try to guilt trip you into taking the blame XD

Hope the little guy settles down soon :S

Eeeehhh those are a lot of sucky situations you're facing :O. I'm glad you got a kitty, pet therapy can really help. Poor foxxie ^^.

Yeah, there is nothing quite like a snuggle from a kitty. It was a welcomed distraction!

A kitty helps make everything better- hope things get better for you!

Thanks @jrb450. I really appreciate it. :)

Yes, it has been a terrible year!
I am sorry for what you have gone through, my parents separated when I was very young but after many years they are like friends.
I think that living in that role is very difficult, you do not know which side to be with, one does it badly and the other also.
You are a messenger, from both sides and that stinks!
You have to take a break!

What a rough year, foxie... and I can imagine being spread thin after having to be the emotional pillar for those around you .... You are very strong and admirable * ___ * I hope you will find a way to recharge your own emotional core, though, and soon...

Wishing you a better 2019 <3

And pet therapy is best therapy ! What a lovely cat <3 <3 <3 And what lovely photos, too * ___ *

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