Not a morning pup

in #life6 years ago

I spent the night over at my brother’s so I could accompany my sister in law to her hospital appointments for blood work. She goes to the Mayo Clinic which is a good hour and a half drive so she asked if I would tag along to keep her company. It made more sense for me to spend the night since we needed to leave around 6am to get there on time.

I was startled awake with nuzzles and licks to the face. My cousin had woken up to make himself breakfast and Zelda was grumpy because she wasn’t getting anything to eat yet. After a few hugs she fell back asleep beside me and I laughed when I heard a soft upset grunt.

When my sister in law and I were finally awake the pups were fighting for attention. Cooper would try to jump up into my lap but continued to fail because Zelda would push him away. Poor little guy.

I finally picked him up to let him sit beside me.

Look at this jealous little girl!

Awww, those tired eyes. You can tell that she’s not a morning pup.

I’m not a morning person myself but once I’m up then I’m up!

Thanks for reading! 🦊


In Croatia, scientists discovered that lampposts were falling down because a chemical in the urine of male dogs was rotting the metal.

Oh what a sweetheart. Beautiful dog.)
I love her.

Isn’t she? She is so cuddly. ☺️

Adorable pup.

Hey, are you on yet?

She’s too cute!

No I’m not. What’s that?

Oh. Another write and earn platform. It was launched in August and it's big. Check it out
Link to the discord server.

I will! Thanks for giving me a heads up. I just chatted with a friend about it earlier today. :)

Anytime ❤️
Hope to see you soon.

I did join the discord channel but I still gotta go to the site and sign up. 😅

Alright then. Do come around and get familiar with the server actives while you sign up and await approval.

Yes yes... pictures of cute doggos make me happy.
And definitely you should wake her up because look at that face XD.

Such a pouty pup! I had so much fun playing with them!

Are you not an early riser? hehehee
Have you slept very late for sure?
Sometimes I usually go at 3 or 4am.
But what do you do when you wake up as it is going to be done? just keep standing! heheh
Oh it is beautiful!
I love that breed of dog, the eyes are really very cute!

I’m a night owl. I’ll sleep anywhere between 2-4am.

I know, her eyes are stunning! She’s also full of silly expressions!

Yes, I think that's also my time to sleep!
Yes, it causes some laughter! 😁😊
they are beautiful!

I love huskies and malamutes, such wonderful dogs and this darling has the best colouring. It's always good and therapeutic to play with puppies :)

It is! They’re so amusing and I love watching them play together. She knows to be gentle with the little dog and sometimes she picks him up like a toy, it’s hilarious!

Zelda ! She's growing so fast !!!! Beautiful photos of her, foxi <3

Hope your sister in law is doing okay?

Sending you and your loved ones the best vibes from down under <3

Isn’t she adorable? I’m excited to see her fully grown!

Yes, she’s doing good. She’s been having problems with her eyes being red so we went in to figure out what the problem is.

Thanks for the positive vibes! <3

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