Why Family Rejection of Truth-Seekers is So Traumatic...

in #life8 years ago

If you have an enquiring mind, and love the truth more than comfortable lies, then it's likely you will have suffered the rejection of your family...

Most truth-seekers experience the trauma of rejection from at least some family members. For many of us it's all of them.

We become the 'black sheep' of the family, ostracised by those we love. Treated with contempt and disdain, written off as crazy consipracy theorists or even as 'radicalised'. Most people when they experience it are shocked and traumatised by it.

It's psychologically equivalent to your family all dying at the same time, and being left as an orphan.


a period of mourning after a loss, especially after the death of a loved one

Losing the love of your family (or finally realising it was just never there) is, in a very real sense, bereavement. It is a great loss, and a challenge to our self-esteem.

You love them, but you finally see they don't love you. Or at least, they love the state a lot more than you, which is the same thing.

When, as we grow up, our own family are revealed as not being the people we thought they were, then those people have been lost to us.

When we find we can't rely on them to be moral, just, or reasonable, it's hard to take.


It's bad enough to lose your family to death, but if they come back as zombies, are still around to make life miserable, and are always trying to eat your brains, that's worse...

They've become soulless zombies intent on enabling the meat-grinder of state, while viciously attacking any spark of independent thought. They transform from people into robotic agents of the cult-of-evil we live in.

When a close family member dies, you can usually get over it in a few months with support, but when they stick around haunting you, the bereavement period never ends - there's no closure.

We Changed, They Didn't

Of course, they didn't really transform, they always were like that. We just grew up and noticed. It was us who changed.

When we're young we don't see the insanity of the cult we live in, and how it destroys people's minds, it takes years of de-programming ourselves to fully grasp the extent of it.

Truth-seekers learn and change. Truth-haters tend to stay the same.


Government is like an abusive parent, feeding off those in it's 'care'...

School is state-sanctioned child-abuse, designed to indoctrinate young minds into their cult of forced-collectivism.

Banking is a giant leech attached to the gonads of mankind, draining it of life and future, with government it's enabler.

When the truth-seeker notices how the state rapes the people, in every way, when we notice the violation and tell the people we should be able to trust, what happens? They side with the state...

They trust the words of paid liars (media, politicians) over the words of their own family who love them. It's a shocking insult, and terrible judgement.

It's similar to a child telling mommy that daddy's been raping him/her every time he comes back from the masonic-lodge, and mommy says: "Don't you ever say such lies about your father again!".


The only way to overcome the trauma of family rejection, or any such injustice, is by forgiveness.

We have to forgive our zombie family for trying to eat our brains, and for supporting the destruction of everything that's good. They're zombies, that don't know what they're doing.

The direct route to forgiveness is through pity. When you grow up enough, you realise that they're pitiful creatures, trapped in a world of illusion. They will live and die, never knowing even the very first thing about who they are, or why they're here.

Forgiveness is easy when you realise that they will never change. They can't change. They've never been able to handle their own emotions, and the truth frightens them.

Because they're so terrified, they'll never be able to live free and happy lives. Trapped by ego, they are worthy of pity and understanding.

We must learn to treat our family kindly, and forgive their error, even if they don't do that for us. Realise they simply can't handle the truth, they're too fragile, too immature, too abused themselves.

Love conquers all.

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