Ninja girl

in #life7 years ago

The high­light of the night and an unfor­get­table laugh. It was Sat­ur­day night and I was at one of my favorite clubs, the music was pump­ing, the place was full and I was in a good mood.


At a point dur­ing the night I had to go blow my nose, and as I was walk­ing towards the bath­room I decided to enter the girls bath­room in stead – I seemed to make a lot of sense, I mean, only girls and no guys – every­body wins.

While I was pulling down paper to blow my nose 2 girls walked in and imme­di­ately one of them started to express her opin­ion of how much of an idiot she thought I was for being in the wrong bathroom.

She was pretty mean and I felt my toes start­ing to curl, luck­ily my favorite phi­los­o­phy hopped into my head “how can I make this more fun?” So I pulled down a long piece of paper and turned to them and said, “I’m here for your whitebelt-graduation”, than I bowed and held up the paper between my hands and said, “Karat­e­chop the paper in half”. They looked at me with that con­fused dis­mis­sive look that only women can do, while they both, almost on cue, uttered a loud “pffft” sound while the rolled their eyes.

With­out even the slight­est reac­tion I repeated myself. Con­fused they looked at each other, and than one of them said “you want us to do what?” “I want you to karat­e­chop the paper in half”.

This stilled left one of the girls with a puz­zled look on her face, but her friend thought it would be funny so she started to encour­age her friend to do it. I than gave her the right karat­e­chop instruc­tions, told her to take a bow and than she chopped the paper in 2.

After a short cel­e­bra­tory dance between the girls and I, I pulled out another piece of paper and tied it around her head.

Her: No I’m going to look like a dork.

Me: No you’re going to look like a badass, no one is going to mess with you.

Her: It should be around my stom­ach I at least know that much.

Me: You’re right, but we are in a crowed club and you aren’t exactly the tallest per­son in there. When you have it around your head every­one can see it, and it will give you the respect you deserve after that impres­sive per­for­mance you just did. Trust me, with that headband/belt around your head you will start to notice how peo­ple are going to move aside when you are try­ing to go from one end of the club to the other.

That made sense to her, so I car­ried on.

Me: You know what, to make you look even more dan­ger­ous; I’m going to write ninja on the front. In that way will make sure even to get the atten­tion and respect of the bounc­ers. Oh and to top it all of, I mean in order to make you look really dan­ger­ous I know exactly what to do – turn around.


On the back of your arms I’m going to write the Chi­nese sym­bols for “the strength of your soul” and “the energy of the earth”. Now you look so dan­ger­ous, that you could even kick the owner out of this club.

She laughed, and we went on to go hang out with their friends. What was really funny about this was, that this occurred around 00:30 and when I left the club 4 hours later, she was still wear­ing it and pointed to it every time she saw me.


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