Questions Nobody Can Answer

in #life7 years ago


Everybody in this world has a totally unique belief toward what's going on with the origin of us. The truth however, is that nobody can say. We have references from thousands of years ago, but can we truly trust them?

Many sacred texts have been altered through their time, manipulated and utilized for power. Could the root be different than helping people understand? I believe in a man named Jesus, I believe there was a dude called Abraham, and I believe in the flood of the ages long ago.

I'm here to bring to you some questions nobody can answer. You can contemplate, but no answer can truly be sewn to reality.

Where are you?

Ask yourself this over and over, go bigger and bigger. Where am I?

I'm in the office, where? At the Rec Center, where? Kent, where, Ohio, US, Western Continent, Earth, Solar System , Milky Way, Universe, then where?

After that? Who can speculate? What if we can't see outside that scope? Do ants see outside of their scope? These are very interesting topics. I often wonder where we are. Fun face, after your fourth birthday you never actually have your birthday in the same day. After that, its simply an anniversary to some imaginary concept that we have created. Its an abstract concept which is used to ground our reality.

Must we understand things?

Do the flowers understand the sun to utilize its energy? Does a baby understand the breath of life when entering this world? Must we understand why? Why us? Why not forget about understanding, forget about the need to know everything. Allow the unexpected to come, welcome it fully with open arms.

Must we understand love to feel its power? These innate understandings of our world around us is so beautiful. A baby actually will have a better fundamental understanding of physical phenomena around them than some adults. These adults are taught away from their natural intuition and fade away from deductive reasoning, instead they declare that its something they can't understand, or they've never been a science person.

Here's a damn good question. How on earth are people getting a picture of our universe? HUH? How do we know what something looks like, if we've never taken a big enough step to see outside our home.

Let things go, let the need to understand go. Staying more in the moment allows your brain to be less clustered. Imagine the stimuli your brain is receiving if you're constantly thinking about something that isn't even in your immediate environment. Combine that will the things within it, well its a little overwhelming for the typical processing requirement from yo head computer.

Have their been advance civilizations before us?

In Plato's published document 'Timaeus', he talks about a lost civilization. I will actually create an entirely new post about this topic, because I sort of geek about it a little. Was there more advanced people? If so, how were they advanced? What direction were they taken down in advancements?

Who am I?

The biggest illusion of all, in my opinion. Who am I?

Can we truly answer this? Am I a physical entity that is destined to meet the ground and never return? What comes next? Is this even real? Are we alive outside this life?

Are you dead before you're born?

That's all I got for this post folks! I love questions such as these. They're so fun to contemplate on and discuss with logical and reasonable peers. Discuss with individuals that humbly teach if you're ignorant in a subject, don't let others talk down to you because of their accumulation of their knowledge. You have your own.

So contemplate, never stop asking, never stop wondering, but you don't actually need to know.

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