Finding Purpose After the Bots Make You Redundant

in #life7 years ago (edited)


AI and robots are comin' for at least half our jobs eventually. What will you do then? How will you find a reason to get up every day? What's gonna fill up your pride and keep ya outta the bottle?

Could be you'll be one of the high rollers with a job. But don't bet on it. What's your Plan B?

Vanholio ain't got no answers, just somethin' I'm codgertatin' on.

Sure, I'm like many who think a Basic Income will be needed to move money from the bot owners to the rest. That'll keep ya in tortillas and peanut butter. But just existin' ain't enough. Just existin' don't make ya happy.

Now, some of ya'll say, "But Vanholio, new jobs we can't imagine will be created." Or, "Vanholio, this is pointless. There'll never be a Basic Income." Maybe you're right, but let's just go on as if

Say you're in the 50%+ whose labor ain't needed no more to drive the market. Say there ain't really no jobs to retrain for or them jobs got 1,000 applicants for each slot?What then?

Maybe retirees, trust fund babies, and those on disability got the answers. Surely some a them find purpose, even though they can't or don't need to earn. Since forever, Moms've taken pride in raisin' good kids.

If you're religious, will you devote yourself to prayer and good works? If you're creative, will you find purpose in art or scientific study? Maybe you'll work on cleanin' up the environment, one piece a trash at a time? Maybe you'll start a business to earn the extras?

Maybe another thing that'll help is if more people in unpaid occupations join into groups for recognition. It could be kinda like in the military, where part a pride comes from medals and patches. Money ain't the only kinda recognition to boost someone up.

I don't know. This is really a kinda speculation. But the day's comin' fast. Best to not be caught with your pants down.

What's your ideas? What would you do?

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Honestly, if this were to happen, I'd probably be grateful. I feel it would finally give me the time I need to find my purpose. Currently, there isn't a lot of time for that sort of thing. My job is so far from what I imagine my purpose to be that it isn't even funny...

Here's something that you'll relate to. Not sure if it'll cheer ya up, though!

Were you trying to make me commit suicide?? Just kidding... :)

Ditching the bullshit job would be a lot easier if I didn't have a son. Do you think that is an excuse or legitimate reason?

It's a definite consideration. Sure, people embrace alternative lifestyles and ways of making a living while having kids. But it also reduces your flexibility and options. On the plus side, you have a strong reason for showing up to work everyday.

Technology has already replaced 99% of all jobs and will continue to do so. It wont lead to any utopia where you dont have to work.

See the fifth paragraph.

Read my post again. You dont understand. Apparently you cant

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