Random musings from my week

in #life7 years ago

Friday marked the beginning of September. Sometimes I feel like I live in the movie groundhog day, not noticing that the days are passing, because they all feel the same. Our typical schedule starts with Darina getting ready to go to school around 7ish. She has proven to be a much better morning person than her mama, who during high school would frequently high tail it out the door at 7:15 when classes started at 7:25. Did I mention I also picked up my friend on the way to school? I’d roll up to her curb at 30 miles per hour and honk the horn, can’t even begin to imagine what her mom and dad thought of me on those mornings, let alone the neighbors. Eek. Self absorbed teen? Check!

Darya is always excited to get on the bus, her only downfall is that she moves SO slowly. You have to micro-manage her a bit. “Okay it’s time to put on your shoes. Remember you need socks before you put on your shoes. Did you put on underwear before your pants?!” If I forget something, then she forgets. We are always worried that she will be the smelly kid in school. We sometimes ask each other after she has darted up to her bus stop “did she take a shower last night? Did you make sure she brushed her teeth?” LOL. Gross. I think that’s just her personality. She lives in a bit of a fantasy land and never really pays attention unless it’s something she A) wants to pay attention to or B) shouldn’t pay attention to (like the occasional curse word that pops out of my mouth). She will yell from the other side of the house “I heard that!” and I am thinking “how the heck did you hear me mutter shit in the kitchen, but you can’t hear me when I ask you to clean up your plate when I am sitting at the table with you?”

She lost her tooth at school. She has been wiggling that thing all week. “No blood!” is what she yelled as she ran inside proudly holding up her  tooth. The last tooth she lost got misplaced somewhere in our house. I searched everywhere for that thing. I keep thinking it will show up at the worst possible moment. Like at the bottom of a coffee cup when a friend stops by to chat. Or sprinkled on top of pasta, disguised as a big hunk of parmesan cheese.

Around midnight Maks and I headed to bed and just as we were getting snuggly I said “oh crap I forgot to be the tooth fairy”. He said “do you have any money?”. Me: “uhh maybe some quarters, I think I might have a dollar in my purse”. I run down stairs. Don’t see the dollar. Look everywhere for 4 quarters. We’ve given her two dollars in the past, but I hope she’d understand if the tooth fairy was strapped for cash one night. I mean it’s a recession, right? I managed to scrounge up about a buck fifty, which I placed right where the note had been. I know that sounds like a lot of money, but somewhere along the weeks, months, we became those parents that pay way too much for a tooth. Guilt, maybe? The first two teeth we yanked out, which made her cry. Then we set a precedent by giving her $2 a tooth. Ridiculous I know! I remember thinking $0.50 was a pretty sweet deal when I was a kid. Nowadays she has more cash in her wallet then both of us combined!

[I can hear the faint sound of my Dad scolding me … “You need to have emergency cash on you at all times, at least $60-$100 bucks!”]

Our new cat Bailey almost gave me away as I walked into Darins’s room. She has a really loud cry/screech/sounds like someone is dying moan, that she let out right when I walked in. Then she proceeded to stretch out her chubby little leg right on her face. I was crouched over in the middle of her room, holding a buck fifty in my hand (obvious, right), hoping she didn’t wake up. 

Fortunately for me, that kid could sleep through anything. Lady Gaga could hold a concert in her room, complete with 24 backup dancers dressed as aliens and that kid wouldn’t wake up.

She didn’t flinch. Mission accomplished :) 

The rest of the day is a mix between playdate/park/errands (we go grocery shopping a lot)/gym/laundry and naptime. Ah naptime. Such a treasured part of my day :P

Yesterday when I was about to sit down for my usual naptime internet/email/break (I should do chores, but they never sound as appealing as sitting on my rump and being lazy for a good hour or two), a guy knocks on our door. I mean literally the second I sat down and thought “ah FREEDOM!” a knock on the door. Little does this guy know, but interrupting nap time is like committing a felony in this house. I don’t care if it’s Brad Pitt at the door, I will be irritated and want him to leave. 

So yeah. Naptime = gold over here.

Speaking of gold.

When we moved into this house we looked in every nook and cranny trying to find secret treasures (aka. old interesting crap from the previous owners). We found a TON of copper lanterns, a bunch of old icky fabric, some interesting knick knacks, a few old documents, but that’s about it. Then one day our bedroom light blew out. Maks climbed up to switch out the bulb, but as he was putting the new one in, his hand bumped something big and hard (ha ha, 12 year old mind in the gutter). He pulled out a gold thing (I call it a sphincter, because I can’t think of a better word to describe this thing). It weighed a pound. We thought it was odd that someone would put some random sphincter at the base of an old lamp, but didn’t think much of it until this past week (almost a year later) when we heard something about the price of gold going up again. I don’t know if Maks just got hopeful or maybe he’s been watching too much Pawn Stars on the History Channel, but he ran and got the gold thing and started testing out all the ways to tell if it was gold. He scratched it, he bit it, he held a magnet up to it. He searched up density of gold. He googled pictures. He spent hours researching this thing. He even proclaimed that it “might be worth $30,000!”. 

I finally said “go take it to a gold dealer” and he did. 

And the guy proclaimed that it was solid brass within two seconds of looking at it. 

Hubby walked out a bit embarrassed, holding a brass sphincter that was worth about $3. 

So that’s our update. I’d talk about myself, but there isn’t really anything new. I have somehow gotten it in my mind that we need/want another baby (ha, I realize I am a bit crazy!) and have started obsessing over that a bit.

Other than that, life is fine and dandy. :)

(Here is the $30,000 gold treasure, LOL. Ring put on there to show size)

Photo by @vampiretta


Great. Thanks for sharing. I'm starting to follow you.

Thank you very much for your attention to my post!

Great. Thanks for sharing. I'm starting to follow you.

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