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RE: Mustang - Part III

in #life5 years ago

"All the miseries of this world are caused by reformers..."

That is blatantly obviously untrue. You cannot support with reason and logic your contention that we should all grovel before overlords, so you just lie.

Predatory overlords are the cause of all the misery in this world, and they used government to kill 200 million people during the 20th Century. That was no reform. It was genocide and the fruit of subservience to overlords that you recommend.


How did the very "overlords" you condemn for the miseries of the 20th century attain their power? Is it not through the revolt of the peasant muck against their betters, led by those malicious malcontents promising "reform"? Crack open the skull of any "reformer" and from there will spew forth innumerable, unimaginable evil. It is you who are deluded or intentionally untruthful regarding the reformers and the superfluous mongrels that have overtaken current world governments. Slaves make poor masters, and the consequences of elevating slaves and peasant muck into positions of authority have produced those very miseries you decry, or pretend to decry. Men need to know their place and role in their sociocultural matrix, not entertain delusions of grandeur, attempting to "reform" sociocultural institutions that gave them their very being or defile established natural order with their bumbling incompetence and evil. Rebellion is the only sin of mankind.

"How did the very "overlords" you condemn for the miseries of the 20th century attain their power?"

Deception, fraud, violence and every other lie and barbaric savagery you could name.

I am no reformer. The restoration of man's native liberty is not 'reforming' it. It's restoring it. It isn't my political recommendation that reform or restoration be undertaken. It is physics manifesting the core mechanisms of efficiency and decentralization that I merely note. It doesn't matter what I want or don't want. Certainly no one is going to act one way or the other to sate my desires.

The laws of physics are immune to politics, and mandate decentralization of the means of production. It recognizes no one as insignificant muck, nor noble overlords. It can't be amended, overturned, or banned. 2 + 2 = 4 is not a question. It is fact. It isn't my opinion, subject to debate, or optional. I don't propose it, recommend it, or change it.

Decentralization of the means of production destroys centralization of the means of production, and all your excoriation of me, muck, and liberty, or extolling violent psychopaths wading in the blood of their peers to take their wealth from them, doesn't change that equation one jot or tittle. Your tirades and opinions aren't facts, and won't change the laws of physics. Neither are, nor will mine.

I just note that this is happening. You rage against and advise us to not live in the universe that actually exists. Not only does your political stance fail to make any sense, it doesn't matter in the least.

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