
I guess if this was fifty or more years ago we'd be more shocked but it hardly comes as a surprise now a days to learn that people intermixed during any period of history, there was always bound to be someone(s).

I do not believe in evolution, I believe that the human has existed all this time on earth and that he lived with the Neanderthals thousands of years ago, in fact, I think it is possible that there is a species superior to humans and that it became extinct in a moment of the past. A little crazy, right?

Other than stating you don't believe in evolution, that's not that crazy, since the official story is that humans, neanderthals, and denisovans were all contemporaneous. Neanderthals had larger brains on average than we do. If that's your definition of superior, I don't think that's crazy at all.

I'm sure you'll bring the crazy though. Here's a little bit of my own, regarding the evolutionary mechanism: Have a look and let me know what you think.


I'll take a look at your page. With "superior" I was just trying to say that this species had more capabilities than homo sapiens, but do not worry about that, they are some crazy theories that I invented in my spare time.

I should point out that I am not the author of, but find it quite compelling.

Crazy theories are the best theories, because they sometimes prove to be true, and change the world. Like Copernicus.


Kinda cool when you look at it. Makes you wonder why all the fuss about inter racial breeding arises

I was arguing with a Native American friend once, and someone said 'We're all boat people.'

Makes sense to me.


This is great I'm so interested in the Denisovans. Thanks for the post ;9)

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