20 Things Every Man Has to do in His Life - Toxic Masculinity Edition

in #life7 years ago

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So you think you are a man by working for someone else, creating a family and then dying? Yes? Then this post is for you!

20 Things every goddamn fucking man has to do to be a fucking man and not a goddamn nice guy gentlemen faggot.

For everyone that wants to know it feels like to be a real man (just listen to this):


1. Build Something With your Hands

I am not talking about building something on the Internet with your keyboard but about building something physical with your hands. A bookshelf, a dog house, a fence.

2. Build an Internet Business

It was never easier and cheaper to build your own business than today. You need $0 to start your online business with Steem and earn real cash. A website + domain costs around $100 per year.

3. Own Your Online Name

Donald Trump trolled some of the people he didn't like. He simply bought their name as a Domain and put a lot of shit on there. Own your name as a domain to prevent that shit.

4. Lift Heavy Ass Weights

Lift heavy ass weights you fucking pussy. Men don't take you seriously when you are fat or skinny. Women don't get 10/10 horny and spread their ass for your dick if you have arms like a left-wing Soyboy.


5. Eat a Kilogram of Meat Per Day

Don't be one of those vegeterian Soyboys. There is a reason they act and look like faggots. And that is the Soy in their diet that converts to estrogens who makes them write faggot comments on Youtube.

6. Dress Masculine

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7. A Firm Handshake

Don't do these gay gang signs or brofist shit. That shit is children. Men give a firm handshake and look into the eyes of the other person.

8. Stay Positive

Depression, hopelessness, frustration and all that shit ain't helpful for you. You either rape the roots of that problem till it never annoys you again or you start accepting what you can't change.

9. Own Your Car Without Debt

Debt equals slavery. Buy the car or take the bus. Don't be a fool.

10. Be Loyal to Your Chosen People

You won't like people all the time. If your chosen people have offended you then you have to get stronger. If they tell you that you have fucked up then you need to get stronger and you should be grateful for their pressure.

11. Never Supplicate to Women

Never work for a woman, tell these bitches no and call them out for fucked up behavior. Tell them when you disagree with them and fucking ravish them in bed. Don't be dominated by a woman. Give them a really hard raw animalistic pounding they will never forget.


12. No

Just say "No." if you don't like shit. Explanations are for punks. Just say "No."

13. Adventures

Chasing your goals 24/7 of the time can destroy your soul if you don't explore the world once in a while. You need some change sometimes. That does not mean to change your goals or what you do. But to take a week or two in a year to explore the world.

14. Take Cold Showers

Our society is soft because living in the west is too fucking easy. Take away some luxury like warm water and a roof over your heard and you will become tough.

15. Know How to Fight

Most men nowadays never fought against someone else because it is "asocial". They will all lose against me and I will have an easy time winning against them in any setting.


16. Never Rely on Anyone for Your Income

One of the worst things. If you rely on somebody else for your income they can easily end your life when they want to. You don't want that.

17. Be Proud Like a Lion

Stop looking on the fucking ground when you go outside and stop with the quick fucking movements. Walk with pride and fire in your eyes.

18. Be Strong

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19. Stop Arguments With Idiots

Why argue with people you don't know and don't like? When I make the mistake of arguing with people I don't know I am quickly remembered why I have to stop it.

20. 110% Hard Work 24/7

If you don't work on your goals but work 9-5 for somebody else you call your boss without shame then you deserve all the shit that life throws at you. Quit your job, get welfare and start the hustle.
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#14. You always get me with # 14. and number 18. I enjoyed the post and can relate to a lot of the ones you put up.

Easy to change mate!

Start with warm water and go ice cold at the end.

And to get strong you just have to eat healthy, progressively lift heavier, get good sleep, follow a routine for a year and hit the gym 4x per week.

In a 1 year you will be one of the big guys.

I take cold showers about 5 days out of the week. They definitely will make you more tougher mentally. And also I've learned to say NO. That has been one of the best things I've done to be less distracted.

Especially when you do them in Winter, which just started here in Germany. They also prevent colds and strengthen the immune system. Saying has the great side-effect of uncovering the people who just use you. Say no to them a couple of times and they are gone pretty soon.

Real men ain't politically correct!

asi se habla CARAJO¡¡

Heh! How much weight would you give to each one of those points? You could make a man-score internet quiz.

I got some of them down at least. Working on No. No. No. And the firm handshake with the eye contact. Eye contact sounds tricky, but effective. Don't want it to be creepy though. Got a ball-park time for eye contact?

They are all important.

You should look into the eyes of the person you hold a conversation with ALMOST all the time. Same for handshaking. The one who looks away first or looks nervous is always the mentally weaker one.

You can practice that when you walk on the pavement. Never look down.

That's my friend talking!!, many of the men of this generation do not realize how much the system has changed them, making them weaker, more feminine in everything, it is enough to watch funny videos on youtube to see the feminine scares of many, they no longer remember what it was like to be a man in the past, who called us savages, rude and strong men, ready to fight against whoever wants to harm us or our family, In short, I could talk a lot about this, but I congratulate you for this great post full of useful and wise advice that is so much needed today, by the way, I didn't know about the soy diet and its estrogen, no wonder there is so much publicity about being vegetarian.

no wonder there is so much publicity about being vegetarian.

The rabbit hole goes deep my friend. The law, the media, our food and even the people inside the matrix want men to be weak.

Masculinity is true rebellion against the status quo.