I am a woman. What's your superpower ? Dedicated to all strong women out there. 💋

in #life7 years ago (edited)


I recently came across this.
As a woman i have many functions and one of them is to support. Sometimes our everyday life forces us to take everything for granted. I don't like that, I'm sure neither than you.
I don't want to realize how much I care about the people by losing them.

The solution is simple; be grateful, something we should teach our kids more often.

Okay, lets see what I found.

My wife doesn't work !!!
Conversation between Spouse (C) and Psychologist (P):
Q: What are you doing, Mr. Rogers?
Q: I work as an accountant in a bank.
P: Your wife?
C: She doesn't work. She is a housewife.
Q: Who makes breakfast for your family?
Q: My wife because she doesn't work.
Q: What time she wakes up?
C: She wakes up early because she have to prepare the breakfast . She prepares lunch for the kids. She checks them if they are well dressed and ready to go. After breakfast, she takes care of there teeth and prepare the backpacks for school. She wakes up the baby, change the diapers and the clothes. She breastfeeding our baby and makes breakfast at the same time.
Q: How do your children go to school?
Q: My wife takes them to school because it doesn't work.
Q: Having your children at school, what does she do?
Q: She always finds what to do while she's out, so she does not have to take the child's seat out of the car every time, because she has bills or goes to the supermarket. Sometimes she forgets something and needs to go back and forth. With the baby of her hands, of course. After returning home, she should feed the baby for lunch and nurse again, change nappies and prepare it for an afternoon nap. While she sleeps, she washes the dishes, handles the laundry and cleansed the house.
P: In the evening, after work, what are you doing?
C: I'm going to sleep, of course. Well, I'm tired - after working all day in the bank.
Q: What does your wife do in the evening?
C: Just dinner, serve the kids and me, wash the dishes, arrange the table again, then arrange the house again. She walks the dog while she discards the garbage. After she has helped the children with homework, she helps them with the pajamas, and the baby is changing with a new diaper. She gives them warm milk and helps them to brushing their teeth. After lying down, she wakes up quite often to nurse and eventually to change nappies if necessary.

THIS IS the everyday life of many women all over the world. It starts in the morning and lasts until the little hours of the night ... At this they call it "she does not work"?
The housewife doesn't need a diploma but is a key part of family life!
Respect and appreciate your wives, mothers, grandparents, aunts, sisters, daughters ...
Because their sacrifice is priceless .
Somebody asked her: Are you working or are you just a "housewife"?
She answered:

I work as a wife, at home, 24 hours a day.
I am a mother,
I am a woman,
I am a daughter,
I'm an alarm to get up,
I'm a cook,
I am a friend,
I am the teacher,
I am a bartender,
I'm a babysitter,
I am a nurse,
I am a worker,
I am a security officer,
I am a consultant,
I am a comforter,
I don't have a vacation,.
I have no day off
I work day and night,
I'm on duty all the time,
I do not get a salary and ...
even, I often hear the phrase:
"But what do you do all day?"

Dedicated to all women who give their lives for the benefit of their families!

Woman is like salt:
"Her presence is unrecognizable, but her absence makes everything unpleasant"




But now, we Steemit. So the men have to do the rest :P

Totally agree. I quite 🤣🤣🤣

Great. I will see you blog ;)

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