Sacred Society - Why We Need Respect for Free Will to be the Highest Priority in Life

in #life6 years ago

Our Earth is hugely imbalance and at some point everything that is highly valued has been disrespected and abused - it's essential now that we learn to connect with the truly sacred if we are to heal, balance and evolve life here in a way that enables survival and peace.

free will power

The word 'sacred' is one that is subjective, which means that we can each have our own definition of what we choose to say is sacred (highly respected/revered/valued) - but there is a common core that is shared by all living beings, that can be said to be sacred to all of them. By definition, living beings cannot BE living beings unless they are alive - which means that simple logic shows that anything which ensures that living beings continue to live is accurately going to be classed as 'sacred' by anyone who thinks/feels into the topic deeply enough.

By this logic there are several aspects to life on Earth which are rightfully sacred - our air, water and environment are essential for our survival and thus wise people respect them and keep them clean. These things are quite easy to grasp as we cannot take a breathe without understanding the importance of clean air and we cannot live for long without clean water. There's a very important aspect to life though which is not really being given it's due respect and, in fact, many people deny it exists at all.. Free will.

Free Will And Survival

When you lift your arm, you have done so as an act of will and it is actually your will which does the moving. If your will is controlled and limited, whether by your own thoughts or the actions of others, then your will is not free. Equally, if your will is uncontrolled and unhindered, then your will is free. A free will is one that is able to respond to the constantly changing reality on Earth - therefore, if our will is not entirely free then our ability to adapt and thus survive is limited.

This most basic understanding about life itself is surprisingly missing in many people's minds and is often completely denied by 'thinkers' and even government/religious policy makers. Rather than accepting the obvious, some people prefer to perform mental gymnastics to try to remove free will from their reality. Whether passing off responsibility for life to God or even to some kind of dictator, there has been an all too common thread in our history of not taking personal responsibility for life and thus the planet we inherit today is almost at the brink of total extinction/annihilation. If we do not take responsibility for life and our creation in life, then we cannot and will not make the called for changes to our lives when threatened with major challenges such as pollution, ill health, famine and war. When we do step up and pay careful attention to the effects of all of our actions - asking questions about all of it and listening to the voice of our feelings in response to the options available, we become empowered and are capable of success where others fail.

In short, those who take responsibility for their choices and life now are going to be those who survive, period.

Free Will And Policy

Given the massive importance of this understanding, we need to change our governmental and other systems to ensure that absolute respect for free will is enshrined and supersedes all other policies that might be made 'in the name of the people'.

Doing this is not as difficult as it might sound - Free will means that you can do whatever you want to do as long as you aren't denying free will. It's a beautifully, self reinforced equation - if your free will actions overpower someone else's free will, then THE will is not being allowed to be free and changes are needed for balance to be found. This is very much related to the recent post I made identifying that 'survival of the loveliest' is the correct equivalent to 'survival of the fittest' as free will and survival are intertwined 100%.

With this in mind it becomes child's play to renegotiate the many rules made by governments to attempt to control every aspect of life and to easily see where the rules themselves violate the principle of free will. Take the drug rules, for example, that declare that you don't get to freely decide which plants you want to put into your body... Does this overpower your free will? Absolutely! Does it overpower the free will of anyone if you can choose which plants to use? It could be said that the will of plants is being overpowered, but in truth it is even possible to use, say cannabis, without destroying the mother plant - so it's a grey area at best!

Does murder violate free will? Yes. The complexities arise mostly from property rules since we lack an obvious way in many cases to resolve situations, for example, where more than one person claims to own the same thing.

Any Clashing of Wills Requires An Evolved Outlook

An initial thought about what to do when wills clash might be that there must be complex rules (manners/etiquette) created to attempt to resolve conflicts in a balanced way. However, this often quickly turns into an insane multiplication of the clashing that leaves most of the people involved feeling bad about the outcome.

The needed way is for those involved to have a heart and to feel what is needed in a respectful and divine/sacred way. When this is done, new possibilities arise that feel good to all involved - but this approach has so long been lost in the modern world that it seems like a myth from some ancient time to even raise it as a possibility. Part of the cause of this is that there are so many on Earth that are heartless and so evolved outcomes have seemed to be impossible with these ones. Once again though, we need to 'see through the eyes of a child' and the soulutions become apparent.

Just asking and feeling the question "Is free will being limited here?" can be enough to begin a journey of discovery to find the right solution. As it turns out, much of the wealth gap we see on Earth began with the 'Enclosures Act' in Britain hundreds of years ago, where the previously freely accessible lands were cut up into sections/fields and sold/owned by whoever was best friends with the monarch of the day. It is an impossibility to have a truly free will while large amounts of the land are being held captive for the use of an 'elite' few and so this issue must be addressed early on in a process of healing the planet. There is simply no valid need for one person or a small group to control almost all of the land and so the seed of sacred respect for free will eventually leads us to challenge the unhealthy domination and hold the situation up to the light of truth.

In the past, this kind of process typically resulted in conflict and bloodshed, however, there is no need for it to be the case in our future. Humanity is evolving to a point where the average intelligence is high enough for most of us to understand the deepest principles of Free will and to enshrine them into policy and our destiny. When this occurs, it will be clear for all to see that this has been 'the missing link' for humans for so long and we will wonder how we got along without fully recognising it previously. The natural evolution from respecting free will is that all can evolve together harmoniously - it will just take a period of years of integration and adjustment to such harmonious ways of thinking and the improvements in life that they bring.

How to start?

Respect for free will can be embodied in many ways - but typically we have a lot of mental programming to release which has built up in us while we were denying free will. An example is the way that many people try to control others who they think they 'love' and who they are relying on to fill a certain gap in themselves. Forcing someone to comply to your demands so that you can 'feel good' is not respectful of free will since the other person's will is not free. If we love someone we will do well to let them freely be the best they can be and then when we are together we will both feel good and love can flow all the more strongly. If the other does not wish to be with us then we can learn to respect that and we will feel good simply for respecting and loving the will in that way - this is what has been missing in so much of life so far that few have yet learned that we can feel good just from loving our own and THE will.

If we feel our own will is being controlled by others, we can question our own involvement with this and find the changes we need to make to return us back to balance. There is almost always a peaceful way to do this, even in situations where some might quickly result to violence. Using your voice to air your own will's needs is a key way to empower the will and IS an act of free will in itself ;)

Wishing you well,
Ura Soul

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To put it a bit less eloquent: "If you aren't hurting anyone, do whatever tf makes you happy" :)

This one was especially well written @ura-soul. Wishing you a smooth and healthy transition into the next year. Leave all negative energies behind and carry only good vibes into 2018.

Warm greetings, Nick <3

well, it gets a bit complicated when we consider that some people apparently want to be hurt - but yes, the essence is of not hurting anyone. :)

thanks! yes, welcome to another earth orbit ;)

You may be still orbiting the earth but with the coins I'm sitting on, I'm headed straight for the moon (lol I wish :^D )

Free forever...
whatever is done is the best for us.

Couldn't agree more. Voluntaryism is key to a nonviolent and awakened society. You can't have unilateral violence at the same time as enlightenment.

i believe that the block chain has started pioneering new and amazing concepts so glad and happy to live in this new era.

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