REAL SUPER HUMANS (Series) #1: John Chang - Master Of Energy Manipulation - Mo Pai - Java

in #life6 years ago (edited)

This new series for Steemit is focused on those among us who have repeatedly demonstrated abilities that lay latent within us but which few every access and use. From demonstrations of endurance and survival, through to literal super powers such as telekinesis (moving objects non-physically) and emitting energy powerful enough to start fires or heal people - here you will see it all!

john chang

My Study into these topics began aged 16 when the head of a martial arts school I was attended demonstrated an ability that I thought belonged in the movies - he literally and repeatedly sucked energy from his training opponents to the point where they could not stand up. My first reaction was to assume this was a scam, but by that time I had been training for over a year with them and had seen first hand every time how their methods were very real. This left me willing to accept that maybe what I had seen was a real example of superhuman ability and as it turns out, it was.

Since then I have studied numerous people, phenomena and skills - including a few examples of my own to add to the record of human achievement that the vast majority of people ignorantly assume are completely impossible for us in life. In this series I will share evidence of some of the more outstanding individuals I have come across and I know for sure that if everyone knows about these people, human evolution will start to grow like a snowball rolling down a snowy mountainside.

John Chang

If it weren't for a chance encounter with some British film makers decades ago during their tour of Java, we might never know who John Chang is. He was introduced to them as a healer as one of the film makers had a problem with his eye and they soon learned that his approach was nothing like any other they had encountered. He was able to repeatedly demonstrate that he can send powerful energy waves from his body to other people's body such that their body spasms as if with electric shock - however, attempts to measure electrical charges failed (using the basic equipment on hand at the time) and the explanation given is that the energy is CHI and not electricity.

This ability, though, is only one of his many abilities and only some of them were demonstrated in the documentary (part of which is provided as a video below). We can see him literally set fire to newspaper by emitting energy from his hand and at one point he pushes a chopstick through a wooden table. In another scene he uses an alternate form of chi to move a dagger on a table without touching it - though he says himself that it is actually other spirits and not him doing the moving.

For some people this type of demonstration will never be enough, however, as they are skeptical to the point of rejecting what their own belief system will not allow - without doing their own open minded research into the topics. In my own experience, I already know for sure that we have energy fields which mainstream 'science' denies (although some more open minded scientists accept they are real and can demonstrate them to some extent using specialist equipment) and I know that manipulation of those fields can lead to direct manipulation of physical reality, so I have no problem accepting that John's abilities are real.

magus of java

In the book 'The Magus of Java' - which was written about John's life, he describes how he came to learn these abilities and how he searched the Taoist temples as a young man, looking for a teacher of Nei Gung that was not corrupted by the rituals and showmanship that nearly all temples had been corrupted by. Just like a classic martial arts movie, he describes finding an old teacher who demonstrated superhuman abilities and who taught him the system of meditation and energy movements that he now uses so spectacularly.

At this point it might be best for you to watch a demonstration:

Meditation and Theory

In the book 'The Magus Of Java', John describes his process of meditation, concepts of energy balance and compression of energy that he uses to be able to direct it outwardly. In short, he pools energy in his naval chakra (the energy centre below the belly button) and then directs it out through his hands or wherever he wants it to go. He says he needs to meditate every day and described times where he had spent extended period out in nature, living off the land and connecting with spirit and his higher self (my words, not his).

I highly recommend reading the book of his life if you are inspired by John as it provides a wealth of information that is not available anywhere else - he is a true living legend who few have the opportunity to meet face to face.

Wishing you well,
Ura Soul

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I am also fascinated by such feats. I have a few more for you.

This guy has had my attention for years.

Here is another incredible person, the real ice man

I've actually practiced his technique to some benefit on cold days and felt myself warmed.

Thanks, yes - I have seen those two before. I have spoken briefly with wim hof and he's an interesting guy who approaches things in a similar way to me - although he appears to have basically developed his abilities through yogic practise which he rebrands as his own method.

I intended to include wim in a future post in this series - maybe I'll include Mirin too!

Thanks for your article. I have already watched the impressive video. I am looking forward reading about your own experiences.

You are welcome! I will write more about my own life, yes - but I prefer to lay the groundwork first, as it reduces the amount of people that will assume i am deceiving them ;)

I could do with that, a friend of mine is a master of martial arts, he travels everywhere in search for power. He stays with monks and takes part in battles. Finding your inner peace is very difficult to achieve. Great post.. Happy New Year

Thanks for your comment. Step one of developing inner peace is to cease all battles and struggle.. For a while the mind may struggle and battle due to it's belief in the need to struggle and battle. Self acceptance is the answer to most/all of life's challenges at their core and that includes solving the causes of battle and struggle. <3

Happy now year :)

Yes thats so true, thank you. I hope this year, is a better year of achieving inner peace.

article manap ... as for the support witness not steady .. because you own not give upvote clients that you want to be ordered to support your witness...?

Can you say that another way? I'm not clear what you have written here.

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Great post man.... really it's make me learn something it's so informative and interesting..... thank you for the post....

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