♡ Heart Healing Series ♡: #4 - Deeper Understanding Of Beauty and It's Role In Creating Peace, Plus Healing Trauma and Heartbreak - Be You To Full!

in #life7 years ago (edited)

For many of us, the word 'beauty' implies makeup and photo shoots - or maybe a piece of art that we particularly enjoy. However, beauty is far deeper than that.. In fact, beauty is not only skin deep it is soul deep!

As a male growing up in the 1980s around engineers, my contact with the idea of beauty was pretty limited - in fact, it really stopped and started with occasional trips to the countryside or maybe a fancy house somewhere occasionally. There were people who focused specifically on beauty in life around me too, but to me they were often made less beautiful by their thoughts and intentions - since I can feel the truth of people and the feelings are far more real than the visual appearances. It was not until I learned of the necessity of being heart centred and also balanced in my 'twenties' that I started to understand what beauty actually is.

Beauty is not just a shape or an appearance (form).

While beauty can be translated into forms, which can even be mapped mathematically to give a classic description of beauty in a specific context, such as a face - beauty is actually an expression of greatness! Beauty and greatness are a kind of optimisation, where the maximum potential of a thing is realised and brought to fruition.

phi plant

Beauty is both subjective AND absolute

When we identify beauty, we are ultimately measuring something in relation to our own definition of what beauty is for us - yet there is also a kind of absolute definition of beauty that most of us will agree to define as being real beauty. In some cases this is called 'classical beauty' and can be found in the artwork of Ancient Greece, for example, where artistic minds used understandings of ratios and harmonic proportion to present what they understood to be 'perfection'.

In reality though, we all have our own versions of the equations for our own 'perfect beauty' and so the 'optimisation' of a thing with regards to beauty is always relative to the psychology of the observers involved to some extent. However, there is also an absolute beauty which itself requires a deep understanding of our essence as beings - this kind of beauty transcends psychologically enforced rules about beauty and I can tell you from my own knowledge now that this beauty is love.

Beauty is love?

To be fully 'optimised' as a being, in the deepest possible way, we need to be optimised emotionally, spiritually and physically. This means we are completely free from hindrances to our own balance and well-being - including being free of all thought-forms that are unloving and all intentions that hinder real love. Real love can be felt and always has an aesthetic effect on the being involved too, since real love is unconditional and radiates balance and power in a way that is healing - which results in a healthy glow and youthful appearance in humans.

When we are using cosmetics to attempt to enhance beauty, we are to some extent making up for us being out of balance in some way. It may be that we are not receiving enough nutrition or that we are not processing our emotions in a healthy, inclusive way - however, there will always be a way in which we can make a change inside of us that results in greater health and thus beauty - which goes beyond what cosmetics can offer. As an example, we may be lacking certain nutrients due to a diet that is high in dead animal flesh and lacking in living plant based foods - our decision to eat these foods is not one that was made out of unconditional love, since unconditional love does not support the killing of animals. If we were to recognise this and change our behaviours so that they were more in alignment with absolute love, then we would inherently be drawn to the foods which provide a greater balance of the spectrum of what we need.

Beauty as a Waveform

As a sound engineer, musician and also as a visual artist I have understood that when I am sculpting and creating with sound/light I am purely working with waveforms and vibrations. Most of us recognise that beauty can be found through sound/images and since all of these creations can be precisely defined mathematically, it follows that beauty (as we experience it commonly on Earth) can have it's own signature vibration and equation too. So while we might like to think of beauty as being more of an arty idea, the truth is that science can be just as much involved in beauty as art - or that is to say that masculine logic has something to offer beauty just as much as feminine creativity does.


Where do greatness and beauty begin?

Everything that has a form has a fundamental origin in non-physical reality - before it can be made solid it must be imagined! Therefore, beauty's roots - as with the roots of all things - begin as vibrations within the creative consciousness - or 'soul' of living beings. So yes, we create our own beauty, in essence - but we are often so unaware of this and so injured that we do little to actually improve our beauty and, in fact, many beings are 'anti-beauty' having judged heavily against their own existence and aspects of themselves and thus being stuck in self hatred that is often projected as being 'well reasoned' or 'intellectually gifted'. Wisdom is beautiful and the internal flow of creative intelligence (when balanced correctly in the heart) is capable of embodying great wisdom and thus also of creating great beauty.

Imagination can exist without balance and without beauty - yet it is not control that makes the difference between a beautiful mind and a destructive mind. The mind needs to be balanced through the loving guidance of emotion and this communion occurs literally in our hearts. The heart is the bonding place of thought and emotion - so it follows that if we act heartlessly or are heartbroken, we will be lacking in beauty and greatness.

plant heart

A healed heart is beautiful and can heal other hearts too

Since true beauty and heart balance come as one - together - it can be felt that a broken heart may be triggered to heal just by coming into contact with people or even things that have been created out of love. For the heart, love is a kind of tuning fork that sets a frequency of balance that can be tuned into and which can then draw back together the broken pieces.

Unconditional love needs to be felt to be understood and carries the frequencies of peace and acceptance within it - it is in a sense the highest form of beauty and power too. This is an understanding that is hugely lacking on Earth at present, since the majority are still stuck with the mistaken belief that power requires brute force, OVER-powering or even that power is 'bad'. In truth, we cannot even lift a single finger without the power to do so and 'the fittest' who will survive will ultimately be those who embody balance, not those who embody violence.

When we ourselves are healing our heart, we gradually learn deeper and deeper truth about who we are and our reality, such that we can cause greater and greater healing and improvement in our wider 'outer' reality too. Emotional traumas and other injuries are generally not beautiful, yet the consciousness involved can sometimes create reasons to attempt to deny the truth and to project the idea that really these problems are beautiful and we should just leave them as they are. It is only fear that motivates such denials and so it is truly a path of beauty to heal our fears and bring them within loving acceptance in order to then alchemically evolve our own being and to increase our amount of self love and warmth.

Posts in this Series

Part 1 - A guided meditation from the heart
Part 2 - Understanding the holographic soul, our emotions, thoughts cosmos and origins
Part 3 – The Practicalities of creating full spectrum joy & health by living in the heart.
Part 4 - Deeper Understanding of Beauty and it's Role in Creating Peace, Plus Healing Trauma and Heartbreak - Be You To Full!

Got Comments?

What do you think/feel? Can you work with this idea of beauty? Is it helpful? Let us know in the comments below. Thanks.

Wishing you well,
Ura Soul

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Beauty is not just a shape or an appearance... Love this statement. Thumbs up, resteemed

Thankyou - love to you! :)

good writing. this can inspired me. thank you
greating from ACEH
nice to meet you

Greetings! You are welcome.

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