Live More, Worry Less

in #life6 years ago


“Worry does not empty tomorrow of its sorrow, it empties today of its strength.”   -Corrie Ten Boom

“Worry is a misuse of the imagination.” -Dan Zadra

“We can easily manage if we will only take, each day, the burden appointed to it. But the load will be too heavy for us if we carry yesterday’s burden over again today, and then add the burden of the morrow before we are required to bear it.” -John Newton

"People get so in the habit of worry that if you save them from drowning and put them on a bank to dry in the sun with hot chocolate and muffins, they wonder whether they are not taking cold." -John Jay Chapman

“Worry often gives a small thing a big shadow.” -Swedish Proverb

“More smiling, less worrying. More compassion, less judgment. More blessed, less stressed. More love, less hate.”   -Roy T. Bennett 

"No man ever sank under the burden of the day. It is when tomorrow's burden is added to the burden of today that the weight is more than a man can bear." -George MacDonald

“When I look back on all these worries, I remember the story of the old man who said on his deathbed that he had had a lot of trouble in his life, most of which had never happened.” -Winston Churchill

"Anger and worry are caused by phantoms that we create within ourselves and whose only strength is that with which we endow them." -Horace Fletcher

“Do not anticipate trouble, or worry about what may never happen. Keep in the sunlight.”   -Benjamin Franklin

"There are two days in the week about which and upon which I never worry: Yesterday and Tomorrow." -Robert Jones Burdette

Worrying is weakening and debilitating.

The price you pay to worry is your happiness, your health, your life.

Worry doesn't alter the outcomes, it only alters our realities. It changes our present moment into a distorted, uncomfortable perspective of a future that can't possibly be known to us. 

Worry disrupts our health, the people around us, our whole lives.

Worry cannot be positive. 

Worry is a waste of time. 

Don't worry! 


Problem with an old friend who is too busy: he always perceives you as if never changed.
Author: Toba Beta

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