Accepting what you cannot change.

in #life7 years ago


I resist uncomfortable things, things that I don't want to accept, things that I want to change. I resist so strongly that I become emotionally exhausted and it's completely in vain. If I cannot change it, there is no reason to continue to resist it. Usually, given time, I can shift myself into tolerance for a less than ideal situation, but it's something that is really hard for me. Which makes me wonder if you can tolerate something without accepting it or accept something without tolerating it. Hmmm. 


I can't bring myself to accept things that are difficult without a fight. It is not something that is easy for me. I feel like I am admitting defeat when I accept something that I wish I could change. 

I am learning that there are things that you have to accept, or at the very least tolerate, because you cannot change them. How I react to difficult situations is completely up to me. Resisting and fighting when I know I cannot change something is pretty much ridiculous, and I am learning this the hard way because I'm stubborn. 


"The Serenity Prayer" is powerful with meaning because it really does take wisdom to know the difference between what you can and cannot change. It's important to learn the difference because if you can't change it, you'll be trying in vain and wasting emotional energy, but if you can, you'll need the strength and stamina to work on changing it, confident that it can be changed. 

I hope you've had enough coffee for my deep thoughts this morning. 


Is it hard for you to accept difficult things?



Great thoughts, @uglysweater! P.S. Best gif ever!!!😅 😂

Thanks, love! ❤😄

My grandmothers favorite saying and no she was not in AA .. I believe it is a poem they use. Really it is a great quote for all us to use.

I say the serenity prayer at least once a day. There is always something that I come across in my daily travels that requires that I either I accept the situation as is or do I battle it to change it. The wisdom comes with knowledge, experience and age.

Yes, exactly!

Deep insight. Great post!

Thanks! ❤

For me accepting what I can't control is all about trusting God is in control. Which is so tough!

It is something that we make so hard on ourselves!

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