WHAT IS LIFE? | Spirituality ≠ Religion | SUN of God

in #life6 years ago (edited)

Hello! My intentions are to spread awareness with what I believe as true facts, not to bash religion or force you into changing your beliefs. All I ask is that you read the content, truly ask yourcellf questions without judgement, and see what conclusion you come to at the end. 🙂 Feel free to leave comments and questions!
So... there’s a difference between being spiritual and being religious. Everybody is naturally spiritual, and nobody is truly religious. Religion, however, isn’t WRONG, it’s just incomplete.
I’m sure most of us know of the corruption in the world... I’ll leave it at that, in this post.

We are energetic beings before we are physical beings. Our Hueman body is just a vessel; a tool to allow us to live in and experience this 3 Dimensional, physical reality.

  • Without our eyes, we could not see. 👀
  • Without our nose, we could not smell. 👃🏽
  • Without our tastebuds, we could not taste. 👅
  • Without our eardrums, we could not hear. 👂🏽
  • Without our skin (nerves), we could not feel. 👏🏽

Everything is Energy- you can check my most recent post where I go into further detail, but we’ll try staying on topic with those one. 😅
Short Summary/example: A person speaks. Their vocal chords vibrate. That vibration makes a noise, which transfers through the tiny molecules in the air between their mouth and your ear drum, which is then converted into an electrical signal that is sent to your brain. The brain processes the electrical signal, etc. etc.
Without the sound being transferred into an electric signal and picked up by our physical cellves, it (technically) wouldn’t exist! Not to you/us, at least.
Religions have some information, some greed and corruption, and some misunderstanding.
Without the Sun (Son/“Jesus”), we have nothing. ☀️ The Sun lights up our entire world. Light is Information.
The lack of light, or Dark, is the lack of information. No-thing. Our Sun is the Sun of God. GOD is ALL.
God = the Force. The ALLmighty. Everything in existence, is God.

Here’s another example... a quick one!
Let’s say we had a sheet of glass and called it God. We tossed God into the air, and watched it burst into infinity as it hit the ground. It’s still glass; it’s still God, but now there are infinite little pieces of God, but each piece is a part of the bigger whole.
Each piece of that sheet of glass is You. Me. I.
We are all One.
Now... instead of that sheet of glass, let’s imagine the Sun! ☀️ The Sun is the sheet, and each beam or RAY (what’s a ray in math? Who’s the Sun God Ra?) of Light is each individual part of God/Yourcellf. We’re all One! We’re all reflections of sunlight! Or, you could say, the Fallen Angles of Light! Rather than Angels, no? (Not to say Angels don’t exist, everything exists).

We are all Hueman Beings. No matter the shape, size or color, we’re still hueman.
Why HUEman? Well... What’s a hue? Different shades of color? HUEmans are different shades of color; different shades of brown! How? Why?
The Sun! Melanin. We all have melanin, some more than others and some less than others. The Sun turns us brown. Why brown?
The primary colors, combined! All light is color! Red + Blue + Yellow = Brown.
If each color had its own frequency (let’s say red = 1, blue = 3, yellow = 5), then R+B+Y = 9, and Brown = 9. Brown is able to receive the frequency of every color. AKA: Brown people are more easily receptive to the code/light/information the Sun is trying to send them. Poor me. 😢 Being white and (sadly, literally,) genetically retarded.
Everything has its purpose. The world is perfectly, flawlessly designed. HUEmans are perfectly, flawlessly designed. Your hair is the hueman plant. It has its purpose. Leave it alone! It’s connected to the root hair plexus as well as melanocytes and neuromelanin within your brain. (Another post).
Trees and plants go through the process of photosynthesis, coincidentally producing oxygen as a byproduct. Sunlight —> Plants —> Oxygen —> Inhale —> Exhale CO2 —> Repeat.
Not only the air we breathe, but the foods we eat! Fruits! The healthiest most natural food there is for hueman consumption.
Everything we need in order to live is provided for us in abundance. There is no lack of any resource. Scarcity is a FEAR tactic. False Evidence Appearing Real.

We are the Children/Fallen Angles of Light, of the Sun/Son, of God/the Force.
Sunlight provides us with information.
Oxygen provides our brain with thoughts.
Fruits are sunlight transferred into physical form.
The Earth is a giant, abundantly negatively charged cell. Our feet are the prongs, and all we need to do is plug ourcellves back in! 👣🌍⚡️

Sorry if this post leaves things out, my brain is a little scattered currently but I really felt that I needed to finish this post. I’ll answer any and all questions and comments, and I’m SURE I’ll be posting more of the same type of information in future posts.


youre knowledge is amazing, i understand what youre saying and almost want to agree with you that god is everything but.... although we are influenced by everything in the universe we are influenced much more by the sun through our proximity to it, it is in control of us and we are locked in its grasp, we would have to do interstellar travel to escape its influence, we are actually even inside of it, well its outer atmosphere but thats still part of it. that is why the sun is god to me. without wanting to sound jedi i would call what youre talking about the force or the universe. im thinking about calling it belief not religion.

the only other thing i dont agree with was when you said, 'There is no lack of any resource. Scarcity is a FEAR tactic. False Evidence Appearing Real.' we are running out of all kinds of stuff already like crude oil, hardwood trees, wild animals, normal weather etc etc etc but in the future the abundant things will be scarce and the scarce (excuse the expression) like rocking horse shit. sorry if that sounds negative im just being realistic.

NASA lies. The earth is flat (uh-oh), and infinite. We live in a realm, a dimension. Not a planet floating through space- that’s what science wants you to believe in order to tell people “There’s nowhere else to go, we’ve explored everything. Oh, and we’re runnin out of resources so the price is going to continue to increase.”
Oil is the second most abundant resource in existence; its the blood of the earth.
Water is the #1 most abundant resource.

I do agree with where you’re coming from! I’ve been there too, don’t get me wrong. I’m sure you’ve heard, however, that “Truth is stranger than fiction!”

yea nasa lies alright, you dont really think the Earth is flat do you? we literally have oil and water to burn but i notice little things like no brazil nuts at christmas time, no tea tree oil in shops (maybe to do with where i live) and hear things like a certain tree was cut to extinction because it was used to manufacture exstasy tablets, i loose count of things i hear along those lines. i agree that “Truth is stranger than fiction!”

If you did believe it was all a FEAR tactic and you know things like 9/11 was faked/an inside job, and the moon landing never happened, etc. then you start seeing that more and more things are being lied about.

Not having something within a store nearby could happen for many reasons, and anybody could write a news article saying “This is going extinct!” AKA, “The value is high!”
I have a couple Flat Earth videos that are honestly mind opening. The way I came to believe that the earth was flat is I TRIED proving mycellf wrong.
That’s the best way to find answers. Try proving yourcellf wrong.

Something like the shape of the earth doesn’t fully matter bough, not as much as True Creation.
Nikola Tesla said that we’re living within a realm. There are no boundaries because it’s just a figment of our imagination!
But yeah, the sun basically did create itcellf. Like your post said, “... and let there be light!” - and so it was. It was all created by a Thought!

Thoughts are Energy. “God” Thought of creating this dimension, and it was created. Now, we’re living as PARTS of god who have chosen to forget, for the sole purpose of remembering that we ARE all god(s), within this dream of creation. It’s basically a simulation that you log in and out of when you go to sleep every night and wake up every morning.

The Sun and Photosynthesis are the #1 most important things in our life, you know this! The sun is literally just a frequency, 1 every 24 hours. There is no time. It’s just a loop, a cycle. Every day brings new tests and you have to figure out what they are and what choices you need to make in order to pass them, so you aren’t met with the same challenges every day. Pass them, move on, expand and meet new challenges, pass them, move on, expand further with new challenges, etc.
If you fail the tests, you retry and retry until you pass.
I could continue going on, but it’s a lot just for a comment. 😉

Yeah! That’s why I said “Spirituality does not equal Religion”, and the Sun IS our God.
But, where did the Sun come from? The Sun has its own God, and that god is STILL a higher god than the Sun, so it’s the “ultimate god”, basically.
That’s why I just called it Force; the Force of creation. 😛
But thank you!

its true what you say, i think that suns god is whatever it is orbiting, not sure what that is but it is something, i think the sun created itself, obviously the matter it was constructed from was once created, elements other than hydrogen and helium can only be created in the collapse of a hydrogen giant so that star was an important one for us also. Force of creation sounds good to me.

I’m glad we found each other so we could help ourcellves expand. 🙂

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Cool! Thanks for letting me know.
My girlfriend and I are vegan so we’ll definitely be making a lot of nice recipes. Hopefully we can get featured someday. 😄

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