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RE: Da Nang is a great city but has some downsides

in #life4 years ago

Yeah, every place has it's ups and downs. Honestly, since we left Da Nang, we actually miss it quite a bit. I think it comes down to the relationships we have there. The surf season is supposedly September-March I believe. We did get some good surf while we were there but I agree that it's very inconsistent. I will say that the designated swimming areas are there for good reason as the rip currents are extremely strong and can be very dangerous for people who are not comfortable in the ocean (we had to save a Korean tourist who got ripped out on a foamy one day). That said, I can see how it would be very frustrating for someone who is more comfortable in the ocean to feel like they're being penned in, haha. The lifeguards with their little whistles are too much! Hope you can find more things to enjoy than things that frustrate you!


I still mostly like it here. The tremendous value is a big part of it.

I remember hearing about the rip tides and ok, I guess I can understand that part of it. If you go out on any sort of floatation device it doesn't seem to apply so i guess I'll get a boogieboard. The surf hasn't impressed me enough to feel like investing in an actual surfboard. Seriously, i can find nothing but shorebreak outside of very rare occurrences.

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