in #life6 years ago

I was going through my phone this afternoon, when I stumbled on one of the blogs I follow on Instagram, then I saw a particular post captioned:

"What happens next when the world knocks you down? There is so much pain in this world that I just wanna leave and go somewhere better. I want to go to a place where my heart never aches again! I just wish something could take this pain away".

Obviously, this is a suicidal post. And it is as a result of depression. It takes a lot of courage and strength to spew such. I commend the victim's effort to speak out. Although, this isn't the first time I will be reading such related post but this touched me to the bone and I feel the need to share the little knowledge I have about it. It could help someone, who knows?

Depression is a real mental illness that can interfere with a person's life. Unlike sadness or worry, depression feels hopeless and all-consuming.

* Feelings:

Sadness, hopelessness, guilt, moodiness, angry outbursts, loss of interest in friends, family and favourite activities

* Thoughts:

Trouble concentrating, indecision,amnesia, thoughts of harming yourself

* Behaviours:

Withdrawal from people, missing work or school or other commitments, attempts to harm yourself

* Physical problem:

—Less/much sleep- Falling asleep at night or staying asleep all night may seem impossible. The victim wakes up early and finds it difficult to go back to sleep. Some sleep excessively but still unrefreshed, despite the hours of sleep.

—Weight gain/loss(loss of appetite)- Some people with depression don't want to eat anything, and have to force themselves to eat.

— No joy or pleasure in life- A person with depression may not enjoy things he once loved and nothing makes them happy.

— Low or no self esteem- A depressed person feels worthless or like a failure at everything. They dwell on negative events and experiences and are unable to see something good in himself/herself.

— Feelings of pains or aches- Some depressed people experience headaches, nausea, body aches and other pains with depression.


The major cause of depression is life events; Divorce, death of a loved one, loss of job or financial pressure can trigger depression. Others include;

— Certain illness: Diabetes, anxiety, long- term pain, heart disease may make someone more likely to develop depression.

– Genetic trait: Depression and other mood disorder may run in families.

– Drug/Alcohol abuse-In some cases, drug/alcohol abuse may results to depression and in other ways, depression could make a person to start abusing drugs or alcohol.

Depression can worsen without treatment and affect a person's quality of life. Those experiencing symptoms of depression should seek medical assistance or talk to a psychologist(@abigail-dantes can be of a great help) as soon as possible.

All will be well.

Have a great weekend


Beautiful post bro @turpsy. You know if you look at the current trend of suicide mostly among the youths. the main cause is depression, apart from otter evil vices.

But one must know that depression is an evil attribute that Christians or even an individual should never possess. The attitude of the mind and the subconsciousness are affected by these.

I see it, as an easy way for people to end up not fulfilling there God given destiny. @turpsy

May God help us all. Depression is bad.

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I have a friend who was going through depression once. Its a long story... but now he is much better.

Thankfully you were there for him during those times.

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