6 Reasons Why Sex Is Better On Weed

in #life6 years ago

Smoking weed has long been used as a pain reliever in the medical community. 23 states and Washington DC have legalized the use of marijuana medicinally.

It’s also no secret that smoking weed is fun as hell! It relaxes you and makes everything feel like all is right with the world. It is basically nature’s Xanax.

But did you know that weed can actually improve your sex life?

Yes, marijuana actually has the power to make SEX BETTER. We all know getting high is fun, and actually has some health benefits, but throw in a few ultra-intense orgasms and it’s a god damn wonder why everyone isn’t smoking weed every single day.

Haters love to say that weed is a gateway drug (it’s not), that it’s super addictive (it’s not), and that it ruins your life (it doesn’t).

Weed really is a beautiful thing. It gets you high and makes you feel amazing and, yet, you never get a hangover like you do with booze.

By now you must be wondering, how can marijuana possibly make sex better?

Follow me down the winding path of pot progression and let me blow your mind with the enlightening and ever-so-tantalizing facts about weed and your sex life.

  1. Weed can help you achieve orgasms.
    A lot of women have trouble achieving orgasms. In fact, about 1 in 3 women find it very difficult to orgasm during sex.

Luckily, your old pal pot is here to save the day. And here’s how:

The CB1 is the brain’s receptor that is affected when we smoke marijuana. When this receptor is activated, we get randy, baby.

As Dr. Mitch Earleywine, professor of psychology at the State University of New York at Albany told NY Mag: “That CB1 receptor seems to be involved in improved tactile sensations and general euphoria.”

Meaning weed has the power to enhance your physical stimulation and give you a serious body high. If you’re having trouble getting off, try taking a couple hard tokes of a joint and see if you’re not hitting octaves you didn’t even know you could.

  1. Weed increases sexual stamina
    Who doesn’t want to last longer in bed? You become the superman of sexual partners when you introduce weed into the picture. According to a study cited on About, 75% of participants reported an increase in the duration of their sexual encounters when they smoked weed beforehand.

So, if you get with the reefer, your partner will thank you for the multiple orgasms. Let weed bring you closer by bringing it into the bedroom.

1.. Weed makes orgasms more intense.

You know what is more clutch than an orgasm? A really, really intense, earth shattering, life-altering orgasm.

Marijuana has the power to make your orgasmic experience unbelievably mind-blowing.

As a marijuana loving man noted to NY Mag’s Maureen O’Connor, “Pot tends to make time move slowly for me. Orgasms seem to last for 30 seconds and are incredibly intense. The best orgasms I’ve ever had have been while stoned, whether with another person or solo.”

Unlike with alcohol, which can take the wind out of your sexy sails, weed actually does the opposite. It strengthens it!
Weed is good for relationships.
Couples who smoke together are couples who fight the least. It would appear that marijuana might be the key ingredient to having a happy, healthy relationship with your partner.

According to The Daily Mail, the use of weed in relationships is actually linked to lower rates of domestic violence. “Findings suggest that marijuana use is predictive of lower levels of aggression towards one’s partner .”

According to the Washington Post, the University of Buffalo studied over 600 couples ranging as far back as 1996 and found that couples who smoke weed really do fight less.

Marijuana brings couples closers because it chills people the f*ck out. No one wants to have an argument when they’re feeling mad mellow and relaxed.

Maybe we should all listen to Snoop and “smoke weed everyday.” We’d all find our soul mates if we just smoked more weed!

Weed is an aphrodisiac.
Weed has long been known as an aphrodisiac. It has the power to enhance sexual desire. Hence why all those horny teenagers are constantly pinned for their delinquent, pot-induced marijuana sex.

Psychiatrist, Dr. Lester Grinspoon told the High Times that weed: “greatly enhances the sexual experience for many people. There’s no doubt that when people are high, they’re more sensitive to their sexual feelings and urges.”

So, next time instead of eating oysters to get in the mood, smoke a doobie instead. But maybe still have the oysters because we all know the munchies are a real struggle.

Weed relieves tension before you get down and dirty.
Everyone knows that smoking the good old reefer has the ability to relieve your aching anxieties. This can be especially useful when you’re about to get naked and do the no-no cha-cha.

It can relax you and put you in the right mindset to get nasty. All the horrible sexual tension that plagued you suddenly washes away, leaving you relaxed and ready to do the deed.

According to Medical Daily, marijuana is like nature’s Xanax: “It has a calming and relaxing effect that must be associated with decreased anxiety.”

The effect marijuana has on the brain can be used to treat chronic anxiety problems. Weed can “exert an effect on stress levels through the endocannabinoid system, which regulates pain and appetite. THC interacts with anandamide, which is a neurotransmitter, creating a happy, relaxed feeling, as well as sleepiness.”

So, after you decide to indulge in that fatty, you’re going to be ready to indulge in a little more fun once that old Mary Jane kicks in. When you’re high, you’re relaxed and relaxed sex is good sex.


And what's the conclusion? For amazing sex, smoke weed everyday!!

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