Mindfulness Monday (Tuesday again )- Seeing the open door

in #life6 years ago (edited)

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Hello Steemians!! Time for our check in!!

Today, I thought I would discuss about being open, open minded and seeing opportunities that present themselves to us in small ways. So many times we let the stressors of life, situations and our own minds put blinders on ourselves. We get wrapped up our little corners of life we stop looking at the bigger picture. We hear so often, do what makes us happy. The worst part is a lot of us don't have any idea what that is. It's through trial and error that we figure this out. Something that we thought will make us happy, actually doesn't. I know for me my joke for all of this "I don't know what I want to do when I grow up' LOL almost 50 and lost my direction.

I have however, learned what I don't like. What I don't want. I have learned a bit about what I do want, unfortunately it is trial and error that gets you to that point. So, I quit my job today. I gave them about a week and 1/2 notice. Very unlike me. I do feel there is an etiquette and protocol that should be followed. I should be starting my new job on the 27th. I am trying to stay level headed about the whole decision.

Due to the severity of my PTSD, depression and anxiety I can actually file for disability. I won't get it mainly due to the fact I am also classified as high-functioning. It's ok I don't want it. I am not nor have I ever looked for a hand out. There are people the legitimately need it, but there are so many that abuse it. I want it there for those that truly need it. I have had to live and learn to work around my diseases/issues. As part of that in Colorado we have what is called the Department of Vocational Rehabilitation. The purpose is to help people like me find jobs that fit within the parameters of my disease. It's supposed to pay for re-education in another field, yet we make too much money. I have spent the last year and a half with them 'trying' to help. I endup finding something on my own in the environment I need.


I almost didn't take this opportunity. I like what I do. I cannot stand the poor managment. I have been a manager from retail to customer service for about 20 years now. This job is way below my skill set, I took it because it was a job and some money is better than no money. I like most of the people I work with. However, working in a mismanged environment is nerve wracking. Anyway as I said I almost did not take this opportunity due to liking what I did. The new job is the same pay, but much much better hours and environment. I had hoped they would care and change. That is were I assumed to much. We need to see the doors when they are presented. If not life really will pass us by.

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You know I was just reading along thinking yeah I can relate. Got to the part where you quit your job and wow that was an unexpected twist. I noticed a lot of change for people I know moving from the last of July into August. Seems myself and everyone I know was going through some type of disharmony.
I deal with some of your issues myself so I get it. You often mention being unhappy with your work schedule. Sounds like this may be a great change for you.
Congrats on the new job and making a change.

It was just like everything fell into place. I know the new environment will be good for me. I'm exicited to have a 'normal' schedule so I can spend more time with my husband. I think that's been the hardest.

And thank you very much @headchange <3

Simpleymike featured both of you in a post. I have to agree with her assessment.
I already gave this post a vote so I will give you one here :)

@wolfhart it was great she did the feature. I am very thankful for the delegation she has given me also. It's helped a lot.

She does a lot for the community.
I keep forgetting you have that far to go.

Yes, a all of good points here. And I applaud you for not taking the disability train. I believe you will be happier working. I wish you the best of luck in your new venture. I hope for nothing but happiness and blessings for you!

Thank you @johndoer123 I think so to. I get to spend time with my husband again. One would think I would be tired of him after 14 yrs oddly it is so not the case. Great you stopping by. I hope all is well in your world :)

Sounds like you two are really great together. That's a great thing! And things are going pretty good. Definitely not going to complain.😀

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