The new Zoom Zoom finally arrives and it's awesome!steemCreated with Sketch.

in #life8 years ago

Last week seemed to drag on waiting for the delivery of my new car. It wasn’t until Thursday that it was confirmed that it would be ready the next day at 4pm.


So on Friday I cranked through my work day as fast as I could to be ready. I was going to leave at 3.30pm and walk down. But my wife said her friend would drop us down and we could pick the car up together.

So I said ok. It was a hot day and I didn’t want to arrive all sweaty.

3.30pm came and went. My wife said they’d pick me up as 3.45pm. Ok, no worries. 3.45pm passed with no sign of two Greek ladies in a blue car. Then it was 4.00pm and I was still at home. Not exactly where I wanted to be on this particular day.

They arrived just as I was leaving to run down to the Mazda dealer. I wasn’t a long distance, about three kilometres. So I could cover that distance pretty quickly. We all got into the car and headed into town, and sat in rush hour traffic for ages!

Finally we made it and I went through the sales process, signing forms etc.

They had the car very nicely presented with a small stand with our names on it and the car covered by a sheet. My wife got to do the ‘big reveal’ and we got to see our bright and very shiny new car for the first time.





It was a nice moment. Cameron, the salesman, then took us around the car, explaining all the different features and answering our questions. Despite it being 5pm on a Friday he seemed in no hurry to kick us out and go home. Once we were happy with the car, we were gifted a bottle of wine to celebrate with, and then let loose to sit in traffic again, but in a much nicer car this time.



We took a quick drive up to the university to pick up my wife’s friend’s husband, and then bring them all back to the car dealership to pick up their car. Then it was back home for a bit, to just sit and relax after all the rushing around.

By then it was dinner time, so we did what we usually do when we celebrate something or mark an event – we got fish and chips and went to the beach.

For once (this summer) it was a stunning evening, beautiful and warm with no wind. We watched the sun down sitting on a bench next to our car and quite happy.

After dinner we took the (very) long way home, driving around the coast of the city until we got back home again.

It’s always disconcerting, that first real drive of a new car. Did we do the right thing? Did we get the right car?

The answer for us this time is a definite – yes!

The Mazda CX3 is just so nice to drive. It feels nice to be sitting in the driver’s seat. It feels solid, and well built.

I’m still getting used to not having to change gear, and push the clutch in when I stop. And that always gives me a giggle when I find myself pressing my left foot into the floor.

What’s also really nice is that my wife is totally into the car as well. She loves the satnav and plays with it on each trip. She hasn’t got on my case to let her drive it yet, but that’s just a matter of time.

Tomorrow we’ll be going on a road trip to see my parents, and we’re going to back road it. The main state highway will be filled with traffic and we’ll just end up sitting in traffic for hours. So this will give her a good chance to play with the satnav and find us a route to avoid all the traffic.

I’ve also discovered that the car is well build for little old men like me. Because it is a bit higher off the ground, it is so much easier to get in and out of, and I can see myself being happy in this car for many years to come.

I would like to thank Capital City Motors for the way they looked after us and made the process really easy and fun. Everyone was super friendly and helpful and I don’t think it could have gone better.


The next thing we want to buy (for the car) is a dashcam (I’m thinking front and rear). So if anyone knows a bit about them and can recommend one, I’d be grateful for the insight.

2017 was always going to be a good year for us. We decided that at the start. So far, it is being spectacular, and I see no reason why the rest of the year will be any less.

Exciting times.

[images are either taken by me or using my wife's phone]

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Wow!! Very nice car indeed 😍 The shiny red just makes it pop. Happy for you and your wife, like you said - It's a super exciting thing to get a new car.

🚙 Zoom Zoom!!

That is truly a beautiful car. I am interested in a good day can as well so will read any recommendations!

Congratulations! Many happy miles😀

Thanks very much :-)

ya zoom zoom zoom
ya zoom zoom zoom!

Well done, see you tomorrow in the new wheels. Aparently the trafic is mad with Ohakeas weekend.

I bet it is. So we're going to come up through Shannon, Fielding and Kakariki :-)

That's if we can get the satnav to find the way hehehe

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