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RE: Opting out of capitalism

in #life6 years ago

Nice to see you are doing your bit to address this issue.

Far too many people believe the lies that have been sold to them by the corporate world.

Things like 'the trickle down effect', that you NEED corporations to be making huge profits for the world to function. That the old iphone just isn't good enough any more, despite the fact it was so much better than the iphone that came before it.

We are in many cases, victims of the greed of others. A good case in point - I was shopping for socks last night, checking out local stores online so I could see where to go and buy them.

If I buy socks here, 1 pair will cost $75. The same socks bought online from Australia cost $15. There is no valid reason for the price difference other than greed. Everything here costs more than almost everywhere else in the world.

Possibly as a result of that you see quite a lot of little co-ops forming, freecycling is quite popular here, as are community fridges.

In the face of being treated as a resource to be mined for cash by the corporations, the little people are fighting back by creating their own communities not defined by wealth, status or political leaning. They are being form by people who give a shit. And it is from these small beginnings that larger movements can grow.

Perhaps one day they will grow enough that they become the norm, and the corporations will be forced to re-think how the rest of the world is treated.

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