Motivation vs InspirationsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #life6 years ago

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Motivation can certainly get your ass in gear and there’s a variety of reasons that can create motivation, such as going into a new year.

But the thing about motivation is, it can disappear as quick as it came, leaving you unmotivated and often no further ahead than you were in the first place.

When trying to get motivated again, we can stay stagnant waiting for the motivation to come back. Sometimes it never does. And if it does, it doesn’t last.

Inspiration, on the other hand, is powerful. It’s connected to something deeper within. When we become inspired, we stay inspired.

Inspiration is closely aligned with your will power. The desire itself and the will to do, be, change, make happen. Because you’re inspired, because you want it. You desire it on a soul level.

This creates its own motivation.

Often times when setting goals or things like "New Years Resolutions", we chose obvious things with external influences. We spend very little time asking ourselves how it would make us feel.

Knowing how achieving a goal or accomplishing a New Year Resolution is going to make you feel is crucial. And even more effective, is asking yourself first, before you ever set the goal, knowing how you want to feel.

This is why we should be looking for inspiration over motivation. When we get inspired, it’s connected to a feeling.

Charging through goals can become about discipline. Fighting your will power.

Setting goals born out of inspiration become more easily habitual. You do it because you want to, because you’re inspired and it feels good.

It’s grounded to the desire. It’s the foundation to setting and actually achieving goals.

Figure out how you want to feel.

I have personally seen this work for myself. I can look at the things I’ve accomplished and the things I have a hard time achieving. I’ve failed over and over pumping myself up with motivation and to find myself left high and dry and totally unmotivated even days later.

The goals or desires I have that are sparked by inspiration come so much easier. The inspiration itself creates motivation to take action. When I’m inspired, I don’t even have to think about motivation, it’s just there when I need it.

The Book The Desire Map, states:

“Inspiration and desire are like King and Queen. And motivation is their loyal knight.”

“What is motivating you? What is inspiring you?”

“What is pushing you? What is pulling you?”

“Follow the pull.

Here, is a Free 5- day Introduction to the Desire Map -An exploration where you can start discovering those feelings you’re really longing for.

Revolutionize the way you set goals. Give it a try! #motivation #inspiration #goalswithsoul #desiremap


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