Why are humans so destructive? Why do we make no sense?

in #life7 years ago (edited)


In many ways humans make absolutely no sense when you consider the way we interact with the Earth. If you were to remove humans from the planet it would repair any damage inflicted upon it by our presence pretty quickly. All other creatures on earth sync together pretty well, hunters and prey. Why are we so destructive?

I think it's because we are not indigenous of Earth.

Dinosaurs ruled the earth for approximately 165 million years and by all accounts they did it on instinct because apparently they were dumbasses! We appear over the last century or so to be on a path to destroying ourselves, so if dinosaurs were giant reptile morons, what does that make humans if we are hell bent on destroying our world?


Pretty stupid frankly.

Modern humans have been around for roughly 200,000 years although our ancestors have been around for about 6 million years.
It's an interesting theory, the one that goes that we descend from apes. Because there is still the issue of "the missing link" the mystical hominid which forms the link between Australopithecus and modern man, a link still yet to be discovered.
Mainstream anthropologists and Darwinists would have you believe that the reason is bad luck, bad luck we haven't come across the skeletons of this missing link, bad luck that we haven't found evidence of the most important piece of evolution that allegedly ever happened to the planet.
The fact is the alleged leap is literally mind blowing in its importance. If it was any other creature that has ever existed that we were being asked to believe could make such a leap in "evolution" without help, the same "scientists" would have you thrown in an asylum for being insane for believing it was possible, especially with no physical evidence.

I have no problem with Darwinism but it makes no sense whatsoever when applied to human evolution.

Yes there is evidence of the evolution of hominids however the timeline is unbelievably long between even the slightest improvements. Yet we are expected to believe that not only did this happened naturally but it happened in a shorter timeline than any other creature has ever improved even slightly.

I call BS on that one...........

There are many theories out there regarding what may of happened to humans to have fostered such a biblical leap in evolution and the answer could ironically be in the Old Testament of the bible, although I will say at this point I do not see the bible as the religious book all of the Abrahamic religions believe it to be, I see it as an account of visitations of superior beings to this planet in antiquity and the subsequent creation of a genetically improved hominid they created "in their image". The image of the gods! Ring any bells?
The reason for this was simply they needed slave workers.

Now I realise at this point those of you that stayed out of curiosity are on the way out of the door but stay with me. I'm not going to go on for too long because I'd be writing for days I want you to do a bit of research for yourselves.

I read a book a few years ago called "Slave species of the Gods" by Michael Tellinger. It recounts the work of Zechariah Sitchin who worked on translating the 6000 year old Sumerian clay tablets, the oldest known writings in human history. Tellinger goes on in the book through the whole genetics of the theory and it's very compelling.

The translated tablets tell the story of the Annunaki (which translates "Those who from the heavens came") who came here from their damaged/dying planet to mine gold which they planned to use to repair their planets atmosphere.
Anyway they needed help and the only way was to improve the local hominids to work the mines. The first successful prototype human that survived and worked as planned was part hominid part Annunaki and was named "Adamu". Ring any bells?

Now at this point I will say that mainstream historians explain this away by saying that these were stories made up by this unbelievably sophisticated society for no apparent reason even though the majority of the tablets have been translated and they are mundane things like contracts for harvests,business agreements up to treaties with other people's and they are all completely accepted as fact.

Enki - Leader of the planet earth!


Anyone who has read my blogs knows I write about all sorts of subjects and a lot of the time I hope to get people to think about what they have been trained to believe by our education systems and history books. Critical thinking is sadly lacking in the modern day even though everyone carries around smart phones capable of recalling everything that we as humans have ever documented.
Lots of this information is seeping into the mainstream consciousness through series like Ancient Aliens.
Click the link and watch a few episodes trust me you'll be hooked. There is so much that is hidden in plain site on this planet, and we are kept ignorant of our true history by design. This is because it suits the controllers of our paradigm. The organised religions, secret societies, the royal families who in some cases claims blood line back to the Annunaki.

Do a bit of research, the Internet has it all, everything that has ever happened everywhere. As I said the the truth is out there.

I don't claim to know what the truth is but I know it's not what were being told. Whether what the Sumerians wrote down is indeed a true history of human development or not the point is we don't make sense. What we are told regarding being made in "Gods Image" by the religions may indeed be true in a sense but also Darwins theory of evolution has validity to a point.

Personally I think it is a mixture of the two. Do some research see what you think. Whatever you conclude you'll never look at the world in the same way again.



I'm more inclined to think that a group of wizards have been blinding humanity in the aggregate to the reality of natural law. If you have no knowledge of natural law and therefore do not live in accordance with it, chaos ensues. Ignorant masses are easier to mind control as well!

That's just blown my mind. I need to look into that Thanks for commenting 👍

You are most welcome! Thanks for posting! I am going to create a post about natural law soon! 🙌🙌

Interesting article ~ Following you now ;)

As I mentioned before in my blog:
There is a difference between intellectual and intelligent beings. Bombs and other weapons of mass destruction always come from intellectuals. An intelligent being never would create something for the purpose of destroying many of its own kind.

Take a look at my other posts I write about many differing subjects.

I have been interested in this subject for a long time. The best example that I can think of for evidence of possible visitation by humanoids from another planetary system are the "long head" skeletons that were found in Peru many years ago. There were a number of them buried in a cemetery for them. They are unique in known history, except possibly the line of ancient Pharaohs of Egypt who share some of the characteristics of the Peruvian long heads.

They are unique as they don't have the sagittal suture which all humans have.
There are many other anomalies regarding this subject mainstream historians refuse to investigate as their PhD's would be worthless overnight.
Egyptologists being the worst culprits as their "science" is full of the most outrageous assumptions.

Done a lot of reading on a lot of different religions,customs,myth,Ect. try to find commonality ,and truth. to many mysteries that just don't make sense.It amazes me how they have kept us captivated.
I can not believe how easily they control the masses.and how much we just do not question.

People are too distracted trying to acquire shit they don't need to impress people they don't really like.

LOL...yeah I know!... lol...And I could list all kinds of conspiracies and pseudoscience,and know facts...lol
what it boils down to is most of us are good people ,that are gullible and trustworthy! And we do not want to fight...or risk getting hurt.

I would like to point out the entirety of the fossil record is lacking missing links.
While H. sapiens shows a variety of traits in a singular configuration, virtually every other species displays a simularity in phenotypic traits.
Neo-Darwinian evolution simply does not match the fossil record.
Species arise differentiated from their peers, and then persist unchanged for the duration of their existence.
Breeders of commercial species do not alter a gene, and then another, and then another, so on, until they finally arrive at the specific strain they desire.
They hybridize and then select from amongst the offspring, backbreeding them to their parent trees, one another, or other species.
This is how evolution actually occurs.
Read Eugene McCarthy on Stabilization Theory, and the fossil record suddenly makes sense, and alien intervention in terrestrial life seems less compelling, and unnecessary to explain H. sapiens origins.
That is not to say, either, that is necessarily false.


Dialogue with differing opinions is what I'd hoped to start. I want to see
Steemit be a place of Intellectual debate unlike Facebook and the other platforms people post pictures of their arses on. 😂

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