Breathe Presence in to Your Life!

in #life7 years ago (edited)

How to Increase Awareness; Action from Breath

Today, this week, this month, and for the remainder of our time here on Planet Earth. . . 

We are playing an active role in the ever expanding consciousness of humanity, our Universe, and all sentient beings within it. Let's be real, our world is changing and evolving at such a rapid rate that our intellectual capacity cannot continue to keep up!

We are either going to get left behind or move on to the next level. If you are a seeker you may be curious as to what this evolved consciousness looks like. Or better yet, what it feels like.

It is time for us to use the tool that is our intellect in a different manner, and increase use of the tool that is our awareness.

Our thoughts are great, but they often get in our way; we don't actually need to be "thinking" in order to do the majority of our daily activities!

Yes, our brains actually do work better when we step out of the way.

Our world shifts when all of a sudden we live in awareness and begin to actually experience what this life is and the way it feels.

So what does it look like to live in awareness? Well that depends on our capacity of awareness.

Our capacity of awareness is the total amount of information that we can process before or without thought.

Make sense?

We can endlessly increase our state of awareness by being present at our capacity of awareness. When we become more aware, we are opening the door for others to step in to that awareness as well. We raise the vibration of our surroundings and our planet. It's a great thing!

People have long been saying, "we are not our mind", and this is true. What they have not been saying, yet, is that "we can be consciously aware in every aspect of our being".

Living and embodying this understanding is an incredible experience.

So, how do we become present at the capacity of our awareness?

We use the age-old tool of breathing.

Throughout the day we focus our awareness on our breath. We don't control our breath, we simply ride it at the forefront of our awareness. 

Each thought and action arises from awareness of our breath and is completed as our awareness is washed back in to breath.

Notice the expansion of our consciousness and the magic of reality as it continuously manifests itself from the presence that is generated solely through our awareness of breath.

We are not thinking, but notice how sharp our mind has become.

Act before we even have a change to react.

This is Action from Breath.

Try this and I guarantee it will shift your life.

Increase your Awareness, Expand Your Consciousness.


#spirituality #meditation

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