tata app - it can have big future, but needs to be futher developed!

in #life5 years ago

Good day dear mates! It's time for my next review for ReviewHunt campign. At this time I'll tell you about tata app which was well known before like tataUfo.

You can visit tata official site
This app in my opinion reminds mixture of Snapshot and Instagram. This app also decentrelized.

Tata was built on top of TTC blockchain. And to reward for content it uses Acorn protocol. More details about this solution you can find at TTC official site

But let's strart from the begginig.

Download app you can from both App store and Google play store

In my case I used Google play store. And here suddenly I found that when app was instelled it took 450MB almost like Facebook official app

After confirmation of phone number via sms code I filled in my interests and profile.

And here I was need to instal TTC connect to get rewards for my content.

At the next step I've moved to settings page.
Here I find many options and here big plus for tata developers.

Now let's go back to introduce yourself section. Here I was surprised because you can use not so many characters to tell people about your interests. If talk about me it was not enough.

Also was confused with some points of profile, but about it later.

In general interface of app separated for 5 categories:

1.Home - where you findtranding tags and content from your followers(friends)

  1. Discover page( I hope here you understand all by yourself)

  1. Create content page (here found bug. When i tried to change info in my profile and exit without saving changes at this page appeared notification with unsaved info)

  1. Messages- at this page you can talk with your mates and watch trough notifications

  1. Profile page here you'll find your rewards, reputation score QR code(if you want to let people find you),discover people function( here you cann see suggested people or tryto find somebody from your contacts, scan QR function to find people(inportant function) and settings.

Then I tried discover page and found many content from different people. If you want to choose specific category it's easy to do on the top of Discover page. Here I have question to creators Why amount of different categories at discover page more than in interests section?

Also I published several photos and video. Likes I received only from people whom I follow. But not from others.

In my opinion searching function should be updated, coz find people via QR code not best idea imo. And searching via my contacts works ot always correct.

Section where to fill in your interests also asks many information like my height, expirience or education. I don't know for what so many info about me. I think it's not a dating app.

If devide sides of app for pros and cons it will looks like:

Positive points

  1. Suitable for Android devices from ver 4.4 and higher

  2. Almost like Instagram but you can get rewards for your content

  3. Availiable for asian countries especially for China

Negative points

  1. App asks many permissions, which are not mondatory for app work

  2. Hard to find somebody, only via QR or from conntacts list what works incorrect

  3. Different amount of categories for myinterests section and for discover page

  4. Automatic masseges for friends(when you follow someone and he follows you) like "Hey! Now that were friends, Lets chat!"

  5. Availiable not so many languages for interface
    6.Bug with create page and personal informationm which was mentioned before in text

  6. Takes more than 450MB of memory

  7. Don't understand why for earnings developers choose KYC

  8. In share content section you can't find such platforms like Twitter, whatts app

As a conclusion I want to say that idea to create dapp which is almost the similar to Instagram was implemented. But needed improvements before moving on to a full release from the beta version. At current moment I don't know will I use this app thuther or not. In this review I just shared with you only my opinion which caused this app. But if you liked idea of this app you can try it now, just install it via links above and make your own opinion about this app! and of course if you have any questions feel free to ask me about my expireince with this app!

Posted using Partiko Android


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