Peace Is Not The Destination, It’s A Prerequisite To Reach Your Destination

in #life7 years ago


Before we set out for a long travel, we pack our clothes and other important stuff that we would need for our travels. We do this so that we don’t face any sort of problems during our travels whatsoever. So, doesn’t it seem strange when we all set out on the path to achieve our goals without first packing the most fundamental thing we would require in our journey?

If you are confused, let me tell you straight that I am talking about peace. Peace within you is the most fundamental thing that we all require to head anywhere in life. Without it, we really cannot do much. Think about it if you need to for a second. Let’s say, you have to complete a really important project. Would you be able to do it hundred percent without being at peace with yourself?

The most common misconception among people today is that peace is a destination but they fail to understand that peace is actually a prerequisite for your destination. It is quite literally the path you need to walk on if you want to make the journey towards your goals. Today, peace is being sold as a commodity and that is really sad.

Peace Is A State of Mind


Now, what I’m going to say here might not really align with your beliefs and that is completely fine. We are all entitled to our own opinions. But what I feel is that peace is simply a state of mind and it is something that is very internal to us, meaning, if we don’t allow it, outside forces cannot disturb that state.

In other words, I feel like peace is the default setting of our mind because that is what we strive for. So, why allow external factors to change that default setting and be in a state that we would rather not be? You might say that this is much easier said than done and I totally agree.

But I would also like to ask you if it is not worth it? If through practice, we are able to master the art of controlling our feelings and emotions and be at peace no matter what, isn’t it worth it to try and learn how to be like that? Ultimately it would be instrumental in our journey towards any goals we have in life.

How You Can Achieve This State


Since this state of mind is really fundamental to achieve a state of balance necessary to maneuver through life's many twists and turns, it is important to know how to attain and constantly be in this state. I know it might sound like everyone's giving the same advice these days, but meditation has always been the key to this.

No matter how busy you are, you need to take out some time everyday to meditate and absolutely bring your psyche into balance. Throughout the day, we go through many different situations and come across many people that may disturb the balance and so it is important to meditate daily.

After a certain while, you will learn to be constantly at peace within you. This might take a month or a year, but if you really dedicate yourself to this, you will ultimately achieve this. Then you will get to experience the full power of your potential and the ease with which you glide through life.


Nice article.
Our brain and mind is constantly working, irrespective to the state of body. It always goes through something or the other and to bring it in equilibrium Veda taught human-being the importance of meditation, so that our brain and mind could re-energise and work more efficiently.
But as the time progressed humans started over-looking on these things and this is the reason many new disorders have started to surface.
Mind has the power to control the body, and meditation is the key to it.

The vedas have some really wise teachings but unfortunately, we have all but forgotten about those. Meditation is today only taken as a time pass while in reality it is a million times more than that.

my friend you are really an awesome travel writer, do you have a website or something.

Thank you. No I write on steemit only.

I think yes, peace must be all the way, not destiny. My peace I find in the Lord, who is all my strength.

We find peace in various things and places. Whatever works best for each individual ^_^

There is nothing as good as inner peace. Though in a world and time so disorganized it might be hard to find. But if we strife and try we will surely get it

I totally agree with you there. We live in a chaotic world and it can be really difficult to find peace. That's why don't go looking outside. But look inwards and that's where you will find it.

Yes, looking inward is the key. Understanding the inner self

This is amazing write up.. it's not only the world which is actually crying for peace but it's ones soul too which is actually languishing for the peace. Peace of mind , peace of soul.. it's such an Yearning word which your Soul wants. If achieved, it's kinda Nirvana :)

The soul is always seeking for peace. That's the state which it wants to be at all times. Unfortunately we keep changing that default setting of the soul.

I agree ... emotional balance and well-being is a prerequisite for everything :)

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