Children Are Like Clay. Mould Them Into Good Human Beings

in #life7 years ago


It is true that when you travel around, your reservoir of experiences get larger and larger as you get to see different places, eat different types of food and most importantly, meet different types of people.

As you meet more and more people, your understanding of human life in terms of all its facets becomes deeper. You get to hear stories that you never thought could be possible. I will admit, its not always rainbows and unicorns and some of these stories could shock you to your core and you begin to ask whether we humans are inherently good or bad.

I was pondering about this today and I just couldn’t find an answer. Then my mind wandered to what type of a person I think I am and how I became so. Then a light bulb went off in my head and I suddenly got the answer to my question. We humans become the way we are because of how we are brought up.

Children Are Like Clay


When we are born, we literally don’t know anything. We even don’t know how to speak or walk or eat and are slowly taught how to do each of these things by our parents. As we get older, we learn how to write, run, speak, make sense of the world and so much more.

Then when we get older, our parents teach us deeper stuff about what it means to be a human. We learn how to behave in different situations and people, we learn about good things and bad things and how we should always try to do the right thing. Basically every thought of ours is guided by our parents.

Of course, as we grow up, we develop our own thought processes and conclusions about the world that may or may not be similar to what our parents and teachers at school teach us and that is completely fine. Individuality is what makes us unique as a species.

But the basic point is that children are like clay and they become the way you shape them and find their individuality within the shape that you have given them. So, when you can guide your children to become whatever kind of people they can be, of course, everyone should choose to mould them into good human beings.

The World Needs Good People


Now, you must be wondering that every parent in the world would, of course, try to raise their children as good human beings and you are right, but only partially. You see, sometime parents can unknowingly set them off in a completely different directions despite their best intentions at heart.

What we see in the modern world is the hectic lifestyle that we have all gotten accustomed to. Basically, parents may not have too much time in their hands for the proper development of their children, physically, mentally and emotionally.

As a result they are often left with caretakers who may not always have the best intentions at heart or even care about how and what children learn. Not only that, some parent may not know how to do it in the first place and some families just have a very dark history that pushes children toward darkness.

I believe that the people that we call ‘bad’ have goodness inside of them. I believe that we human beings are inherently good people and the ones that turn to the dark side do so because they are pushed in that direction by an event or a series of events in their life. But the realization that all these people could have become totally different human beings; good human beings, if they were just guided properly, makes me really disappointed.

The world we live in today is dangerous and we need good people. We need a lot of them and I think the change will begin from home. So, please, think consciously about your child’s development and pay real attention to their emotional side. That’s the one that dictates our whole life.


you really observe the life very deeply @travel-cuisine and your each sentence are true."The World Needs Good People" nice line.And yes parents have a great role to make their children good or bad as childs are really innocent.great post for the society.thanks for sharing.

Thank you so much for the kind words :)

thanks to reply @travel-cuisine,I was waiting for your reply.You are very beautiful.God bless you.

Interesting concept. I agree.

You have good understanding of life and your observations are correct, it is true the role of parents in the life of children cannot be overemphasize. The world really need good people. I like your post @travel-cuisine

I am glad you like it. Thank you for the kind words :)

In Nigeria, where I come from, a child is raised by the community. If a child misbehaves, the next door neighbour can scold him or her. But some parents would still frown at that. I agree with you, that the upbringing of a child matters in determining whether such child will come out right.

This is something similar to here in India as well. The upbringing of a child is given a huge focus here.

I am totally agree with you. What a quality blog!

Thank you for the kind words :)

This is some good stuff !
I like your other posts too. Keep at it! Cheers

Thank you for the kind words :)

Children are the future of the world.

They really are :)

I must say, this is really well written :)

Thank you for the kind words :)

True words. Change begins from home and the way you are raised has a great influence on who you become in life. Great post :)

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