How Self Driving Cars Will Transform Your LifesteemCreated with Sketch.

in #life7 years ago (edited)

A hundred years ago transportation vehicles were a bit shit because they perceived and reacted to their surroundings autonomously without offering us sufficient control. Then automobiles were invented and they were a bit shit because they required drivers to exercise control. Now, self driving cars have arrived and they're brilliant because they can perceive and react to their surroundings autonomously. But will they transform life as we know it or merely make road rage more difficult when we're being cut off by an empty Tesla?

Early self driving vehicles generally only had 1 horse power


Currently traffic accidents account for over 30,000 fatalities a year in the U.S. alone. As driverless car technology matures, expert estimates have them at 90% safer than their human controlled counterpart. Unless, like me, you're driving while Asian, then it should be closer to 97% safer. The fact is human error accounts for the overwhelming majority of traffic accidents and autonomous driving technology is not limited by our physical shortcomings.

There are also difficult moral questions to answer when programming the self driving AI: Should the car avoid hitting pedestrians at the risk of injuring its passengers? Should it value the life of a child more highly than that of an adult if it is swerving out of control and has no choice but to hit one of them? When the light turns green, how long does it wait before blasting its horn at the vehicle in front? These are all very important and difficult moral choices that manufacturers and legislators will have to make. And I don't know about you, but I'll soon be pushing around an empty pram wherever I go on foot just in case.


The average vehicle spends just under an hour a day on the road which is rather inefficient unless you steal cars for a living. Self driving cars will allow you to get off at your destination while it goes off on its own to find parking or better yet, pick up passengers and work for you until you summon it again. You'll literally be able to pimp your ride out. Hopping onto an Uber will only be a fraction of present day prices as human labor costs are omitted.

As more and more automated vehicles hit the road, traffic congestion will improve greatly. Congestion occurs when there is significant delay between human drivers reacting to the movement of other vehicles on the road like when I'm texting behind the wheel and didn't notice the traffic move up ahead of me. But if most of the vehicles on the road are autonomous, they can communicate between each other and accelerate and decelerate as one simultaneous unit, greatly reducing delay and the need for a margin of error. Intersections will play out as if everyone was a fire truck.

Don't worry: if you're a pedestrian and get hit, you'll just have to go back to level 1 again

Environmental Impact

Most of the upcoming autonomous vehicles run on an all electric engine. Even in its infancy, this technology is proving to leave a smaller carbon footprint than their petrol gulping counterparts (comparing emissions based on the electricity required to charge the car). This gap will only grow as battery technology improves over time. Also worth noting is that electric engines are much smaller than internal combustion engines, leaving far more room for storage. This is a godsend if you're anything like me and are also struggling to fit some of the ladies you pick up into the trunk these days.


While some of us are a little nervous before this new technology, I for one can't wait until the day roadside breath tests are replaced by drive through liquor stores. I may not be able to afford a self driving car right away, but I'll be content to just go to the gym and jump on a self riding exercise bike.

Image and Gif Sources 1,2,3

If you enjoyed this piece please Upvote, Resteem and Follow me @trafalgar


The second order consequences of autonomous vehicles will be even more significant:

  1. People wont need to own cars any more, which is saved capital
  2. People won't need garages. Saved space and construction costs
  3. No space will be needed to be reserved for parking close to buildings. This will change how the world looks but also reduce exercise
  4. The road network will be used more evenly and efficiently
  5. It will be cheaper to "drive" outside of peak time, so traffic spikes will decrease
  6. Better safety will lead to lighter vehicles, reducing manufacturing costs and road wear
  7. Less buses. Why would anyone tie their schedules to inflexible public transport
  8. No need for drivers license. Money saved
  9. They can pick up post and parcels, so it will make package delivery cheaper

Yup definitely agree with all these points!
Truth be told I'd thought of and if not researched most of these, but it's taxing writing jokes in satirical pieces so I tend to wrap them up prematurely lol

Somehow I just couldn't understand your sentence :-D

all good, wasn't very important
I agree with all your points

One downside is that there will be less jobs I think.

That may be true, at least less drivers. I'm pretty sure the overall economic effect would be positive
We're entering an automated world and soon white collar jobs will also be automated, we're going to have to find a solution to wealth distribution in a world where more and more people are rendered idle, i'm confident we'll find one.

Yeah I guess so.
Totally unrelated question: Did you buy all your steem power or earned it?

bought it all

Cool. You are fun, so are your posts. Following you. Steem on.

haha thanks a lot :)

You're welcome.

Pretty cool gif!

I can't wait to be able to go for a road-trip where we won't need a "designated driver" and everyone can be the same amount of intoxicated. :D

haha ya definitely, every car will be like the back of a limo

Ah. I can't wait for the self-driving revolution... and the "drive through liquor store" will be a very welcome perk in the process ;)

haha ya, instead of a steering wheel they'll just be a mini fridge :)

My goal is to buy relatively affordable Tesla Model 3 after few years of starting hype. There might be some basic self driving software installed. Just imagine the look on cops face when he pulls you over and sees you dead drunk in the back seat while the car drives you home safely :D Priceless.

hahaha ya they can't get you for being a passenger under the influence

I wish to have one, i'm such a panic grandma on the street. :)

ya hopefully the prices will come down, these things are awesome

And I choose to be a pedestrian while hoping the price down. :D

Thanks for sharing this article. I agree with your opinion. Self driving electric cars will be a blessing, especially if combined with a share economy. The male driver tuns into a hunting animal as soon as he takes place behind the steering wheel:

haha ya this is so true

hello @trafalgar.i would like to thank you for upvoting my 1st post yesterday.i kindly like to follow that i can see your future posts.thanks a lot my friend.from Philippines.

@trafalgar, very interesting ! With the development of the times, the car instead of the carriage, and more and more cars run on the road. except environmental polluted, we still need to improve the situation of road congestion. because in our here, it is a difficult problem .

yes, I think road congestion will improve with self driving cars as they drive far more efficiently, requiring less time to react

I LOL'd at the 1 horsepower line. It was literally one horse's power that was dragging the cart haha Self Driving Cars would be a huge boost. You're right when you mentioned that human error is the prevailing cause of accidents. Taking that out of the equation would significantly improve the transportation experience. Once self-driving cars are the norm, I can't wait for teleportation to be the next big thing.

haha you bet, although I certainly wouldn't be the first volunteer to test that technology

and I think trying to teleport to a friends house but failing because he failed to build enough pylons would be annoying

ahhh shhh yeah, I guess we all have that one lazy friend. How about said friend being the one to test the technology out first? Not fun floating around in the ether, huh? Let's see if learns his lesson and stacks the pylons evenly next time.