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RE: The Diary of an ‘Unknown’ First World War Soldier

in #life7 years ago

My wife just came across your blog while doing some family history research. John Evelyn Carr was my great uncle, and actually very close to my father, whose own father, Hubert Martin Carr, died in Patagonia when my father was quite young. As you probably know Carr is a common surname in this neck of the woods (I live in Newcastle too, by pure co-incidence), and I don't think the Carr farming in Scremeston now is related. Also, sadly, I have to say we are not related to the Carrs of Etal - the family came from Hexham, and going even further back, I believe from Haydon Bridge. I knew about Evelyns war diaries in the Archives, but only thought there were 4. It seems you have unearthed a 5th! We certainly would have cherished his diaries as a family heirloom (as we do his fishing diaries - but thats another story) as he donated them to the archives before his death.
I am glad you enjoyed them, and I must go to the Archives to see this extra diary.
Best wishes
Tom Carr

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