Everything that is alive requires pruning as well, which is a great metaphor for endings...steemCreated with Sketch.

in #life6 years ago (edited)


Let me share a scientific event to all of you. The concept is very simple , but we can learn an important lesson about our life. Let's get started.

Suppose, a mango tree. A young plant of it has recently been transplanted. The plant's height is 1 meter . The plant keeps growing with time. After a year, the plant has grown some branches. Many new tender leaves are growing from those branches. The plant has become healthy and vigorously branched after aging. After being fully grown as a healthy tree, it has only one problem that it only produces very small amount of fruit each year. So, to solve this issue, the owner of the tree sought consultation and help from an agriculturist . After proper observation, the agriculturist deduced that the half of the entire energy of the tree provided for its vegetative growth is being cut down and absorbed by the branches. The fruit production and reproductive parts are not getting sufficient energy to produce fruits. So, it is better to prune the excess branches of the tree to acquire wanted yield. According to this advice, the owner of the tree pruned all the unnecessary branches except for the essential branches. After that, the production of the fruits started increasing after a year.

So, guys, let's see if we can learn any similarities about our lives from this scientific event . When we are born , we are only a small human child who is only sustained by its mother. The more we grow in age, we start to adopt many branches of life. From school to college, college to University and University to job sector......with this we start to develop relations and connections with more and more people and concepts. Some are beneficial to us and some are toxic. At one point, the number of toxic branches and people increases into such a rate that we are unable to provide time and energy to achieve our goals. The goals become more and more unclear and right paths become more vague and confusing. Most of the time of the day are spent for these unessential events. The days goes by and we grow older , but energy and time fade away slowly. Also, the harmful branches stay constant. When we lose all our time and energy, all the toxic people leave us and we are left alone. But, in the end, we are far away from our goals and it's too late to say sorry. So, in the end, the most important thing is your life, your energy and time. Never invest these three things for anything unimportant in your life because the resources are limited (just like the resource credit ;) )

"All that really belongs to us is time; even he who has nothing else has that." - Baltasar Gracian

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