43 years old...43 meaningful words

in #life6 years ago (edited)

Today I reached the 43rd kilometer of my Life's Race.


I'm feeling dizzy about the number.

Cannot believe how fast is the life passing by...but this is for sure a good signal...the confirmation that I'm enjoying the life, with all the good and bad moments...

I'm not this kind of people which tends to speak about the past as it was the best time ever...I always look to the front side, ready for the next, planning and preparing myself for the future.

But is important to look at the past...at least to understand who we are and what we do...

Looking rearwards I think I can find 43 words which mean something important for every stage of my life...

...mother school friends football student gamer athletics friends music motorbike engineer catalan guitarist worker planner mechanics emotional perspective ecologist projects food dreamer Laura traveller reader lover father learner analyst daughter runner family husband son ITER future trust bitcoin geek marathon steem independence happiness...

Life is one and only, enjoy!


Happy 43rd my friend! I guess in terms of kilometers you've completed a marathon plus a fraction of a km lol...

It is definitely unreal how quickly life passes by...it seems like time moves faster every year that goes by. I'm about 5k behind you in my life's journey and I'm still looking ahead to bigger and better things and feel like the best is yet to come.

I've spent so many years working towards a better life and I know 99% of the world would look at the life I have right now and think "what more could he possibly want?" I'm just one of those people who is never content with staying at the same level after reaching a certain age. It seems like you and I have a lot in common as far as personality and views on life are concerned.

I hope you have a great weekend and a happy birthday Eddie. Keep on running brother!

Thank you very much bro!
Indeed we have many things in common. At the end Steemit is joining people with similar characteristics and compatibilities.
A part from being both of us Runners and Engineers, I think we are also dreamers and that’s our “Leitmotiv” in front of the life.
Hope we could meet us once to know each other this time in person 😉

you already won life's race for sure, enjoy!

Still some kms to run dude!

sure a tone more! and the best kms because you won;)

Happy birthday!

Belated but sincere happy birthday to you @toofasteddie. I am ahead of you in this particular race and I can tell it is just getting better and better ;) Or as @steevc is commenting: "age is just a number". For people like you, who like to grow, getting older means getting better! On many more km on this and running races!!!

Amazing Iron man you are! Congratulations for those 43! I wish I could do what you are able to do now, no words!
Que els anys segueixin passant igual de bé! Cuide’t i disfruta, gran persona!

Moltes felicitats @toofasteddie!!!!
Estàs fet un xaval, home!!!! 43, superbona edat!

Happy birthday! I'd like to follow you and enjoy the life as well as you.

Thanks my friend

Happy birthday! Liked how you wrote down 43 words.

Simple but meaningful, at least for me, :-)

Happy 43rd :) Congratulations to your mother and father to have such a great son ;)

Here is to many more enjoyable moments in your life (and kilometers)...

Ps: sorry to be late to join the party and congratulate you.

Don't worry dude!!! Thanks!!!

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