Master people and master words. If you can do this, the world is yours.steemCreated with Sketch.

in #life6 years ago

My mission:

To take what I've learned the hard way and break it down so you can learn it the easy way.

my mission.PNG

There's no difference between social media and real life.
Why do you think so many people choose to be anon?
They know what happens in the digital world is just as impactful--if not more--than the physical world.
People date, get paid, and bullshit here just like in real life.


Content creators, never forget:

You need less than 1% of English speakers to rock with you to live better than the other 99%.


My real superpower is not having a sweet tooth.

Unfair advantage, really.


False positives are annoying but false negatives do real damage.


If I say "apples are disgusting" and you accuse me of being anti-fruit, I'm just gonna look at you with the thousand idiot stare.

You've disqualified yourself from the conversation.


Sure, memories are great...

But, at the end of the day, the here and now is ALWAYS going to be more important than yesterday.

Do more hustling in your 20s and 30s than partying.

You won’t regret it in the future


Fastest confidence-boosters:

  1. Fat loss
  2. Strength training

Ideally, both at the same time.


Why does the government have "non-essential employees"? 🤔

So they can justify oversize programs and stay in control of everything

Then convince us that paying taxes makes the world go round lol


Money is not the End Goal.


Never Forget.


Everyone thinks they can keep it real until some real people show up.


If you ain't got the receipts, don't expect anyone believe you really paid the cost.

You can talk a big game, but we'll know you really ain't bout that life when we go digging.

And if you make big enough claims, someone's gonna call your hand.


If you're unsatisfied with any segment of your life, you're a fool if you don't seek out mentors who have success in the area you wish to improve.

Never forget, the people who are successful today, were unsuccessful yesterday.
They likely made the same mistakes and any good person will be happy to teach others.
Only idiots let their ego stop them learning.


The challenge is to accept the ugly truths about the world without becoming ugly yourself.


Want to produce a ton of content?

Don’t take days off.

Momentum lost will set you back more than you’d ever imagine


Self-improvement is like a hot basic bitch.

Guys fall in love with the short skirt and cleavage of the outcome, then get fed up with the shitty personality of the process and dump her.


Limitations produce the best work, regardless of the field.

Solving hard problems sparks creativity. Necessity is both the mother AND father of invention.


Not Everyone is Built to take Big Risks
Not Everyone is filled with uncontrollable Restlessness
Not Everyone has undying Tenacity + Emotional Resilience

..Not Everyone is Built to be an Entrepreneur

DON'T Believe the Bullshit


Thank Later


Just because you feel bad for someone doesn't mean you take it easy on them.

If anything, go harder because the world's gonna go twice as hard.


Your biggest critics are often your closest friends.

The real ones will call you out on your bullshit.


I'm about to meet up with the mates later today to cheer on the Patriots. I'm gonna be the most hated man at the bar.

It's all good though. We out here holding strong in the face of haters.


There's nothing wrong with a little video games, a little sports, or a little booze.

The PROBLEM is that most people, if they do it, don't do "a little" of any of that stuff.


Only when you are not fully committed will you give yourself the option to retreat at any given moment.

The doubt and fear in the back of your mind still has a hold on you.

Quit sticking your damn toe in the water and just jump in.


The WORLD education system sucks.

Steemit has proved it by making it clear how many people CAN'T UNDERSTAND THE SHIT THEY READ.

@hustlehacker hit it on the head, comprehension is suffering bad in 2019.


Open-minded is good only if you think a certain way.

Freedom of speech is good only if you speak a certain way.

Diversity is good only if you look a certain way.

This message has been brought to you by the NPC Broadcasting Network.


Easy test to know if someone is woke:

Ask them what they think of homeschooling.

If they parrot off anything related to socialization, you're talking to an NPC.


There's an app that allows people to borrow against their paycheck for immediate needs.

Most don't have to be enslaved by force.

They will willingly walk onto the plantation, excited at the prospect of serving a master named debt.


The best revenge is doing so well that your enemies look jealous when they speak poorly of you.


All the intuition in the world is useless if you don't trust yourself and take risks.


The right way to play it safe is to, ironically, take more risks.

You decrease the impact of any one bad outcome by reasonably diversifying your processes.


Being depressed is a privilege.

Most people in the world are far too busy making sure they have food to eat to sit around feeling sad.


If you can't make money online while in high school or college...

You're not going to make money after dropping out

That's the harsh truth

I'm not here to sell you a fantasy

Make money first - Drop out later.


Crackhead behavior is so interesting.

My cats will claw through a bag of catnip if we don't put it up, but will pace around an opened bag of food pissed and hungry.


Regret is often the failure to recognize the opportunity you have to grow.

You only see it as a detrimental experience because you choose to.


I always make my students explain how they arrived at their answers.

I almost don't care if they're right. I want to force them to develop their thinking.

The right outcomes naturally flow from refined processes.

Unfortunately, the public school system does the opposite.
It teaches kids WHAT to think, not HOW to think.


Ain't nothin' sadder than someone who's broke for what they need but always got money for what they want.

Ignorant MFs who have weed, liquor, and video game money but the rent's always late and they've had 5 different phone numbers in the past 2 years.


The next level is waiting for you. What you doing to get there?

-Saying to no things
-Realizing my value


Enjoy my posts?
Enjoy my blog?
Got a bad case of white guilt?
Wanna prove to your liberal friends that you aren't racist?

[Delehate your steem power here].


You have been defended with a 52.88% upvote!
I was summoned by @tonytrillions.

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