On first sight people who fake emotions and smiles looks pretty cool and like "people you want to hang out with". But all you wrote there is true. You just can make a damage to your physics and psyche state. Every emotion is important and should be expressed. I'm not saying that when you're angry that you should brake everything around you. You should know how to control your emotions, but every emotion should be released. Don't be scared of your emotions.
Balances are required and as my good friend @positivity420 said, maybe balance means half of bad and half of good (perfection) not 100% of good.
I find myself pretty simple man in respect of emotions and things I do. I think that you should satisfy your needs, if you're hungry you eat, so why do you smile if you're sad? That's just not naturally. Be yourself and love yourself, the rest will come with time.
There are ways of letting go of our emotions without breaking stuff. A lot of people think that being angry is wrong because you are at risk of hurting yourself or others but that is not true. There are different techniques that do give a sense of release. The only way to achieve balance is to figure out that nothing is bad, and nothing is good. Things just are, and we are the ones who are defining them. I agree with you on the simplicity. If you are hungry - eat, if you are sleepy - sleep, if you are sad - cry.... Thank you for your lovely comment 💚
I always like to read your honest posts and give my opinion cause you accept opinions and that's nice :)