How to Repair Damaged Hair and Create a Winning Hair Routine

in #life6 years ago

My ideal morning: wake up early, look in the mirror, and NOT have bed head. Out of everyone I know I’d win the popularity vote on craziest bed head!

Healthy, beautiful hair is something a lot of people strive for, but with all the complex situations and crazy-ness life hands us it’s sometimes hard to realize we neglect basic needs like skin care or hair care.

For the past couple of months, I’ve really been getting into hair care lately, and frankly, I’m obsessed. I can’t stop thinking about how I’m going to add this new step in, or add something new and healthy into my diet. I’ve also become a product junkie and my bank account can account for that … With this new obsession, I’ve also tried new things such as getting my hair colored, and ditching the scissors for longer hair.

Since this obsession began, I’ve garnered a few tips and tricks that I’d like to share with all you hair-fanatics or anyone who’s just interested in hair.
Genetics play a huge role in what type of hair you have. In addition, things like age and hormones may also affect the quality, color, and thickness of your hair. Unfortunately, genetics do suck, BUT! There are still ways to maintain and prolong your hair and its condition. If you think the appearance of your hair is a concerning issue, then it can be fixed!

I used to hate my hair all the time, I always thought it would stay ugly forever, until I realized what hair type I had, how to style it so my face and hair type would appear best, and above all; keeping my hair healthy.

Before anything, I just wanted to let you all know that everyone has hair issues and eventually you’ll find a solution. You aren’t alone and I understand you; dealing with hair can be a pain. Everyone has hair crisis’ — bad hair types, hair loss, damaged hair … you name it.

I’m not sure if I can fix all your hair problems, but I will share everything I can! Feel free to ask any questions or advise me of any use tips or tricks that aren’t down below as well!
Establishing a hair routine is the most important step forward in your hair journey. As long as you know your hair type, this will be easy to do. When I established mine, I began with shampooing and conditioning.

Perfecting your shampoo and condition routine could be the ultimate factor in why your hair can’t be styled, why it’s so dry . . . or oily. Back then, I found myself washing my hair every other day, sometimes every day. It took awhile for me to finally realize that I was doing such a wicked thing to my hair!

You think your hair is oily, so you wash it more frequently. After that it’s still oily, so then you constantly wash it and even sometimes say “I don’t need conditioner” or “Dry shampoo all day”.

Essentially, you messed up the whole cycle when all you needed was increased moisture! Similar to skin, when you hair or skin is dry, oil production is higher than your bodies normal rate. So, it’s essential that you put more moisture into your hair and skin. Here are the four main hair types which have subcategories and the four scalp types:
Hair Types: Straight, Wavy, Curly, and Kinky

Scalp Types: Oily, Dry, Normal, and Mixed Condition

As of now, I only wash and condition my hair twice a week, and if I get a new color or make a trip to the salon, then only once during that current week. I finally found the balance in my hair and realized that I only need to be washing twice a week!

Wash and Condition Routine Recommendations

Oily: Everyday or every other day. Using a shampoo that cleanses thoroughly but isn’t harsh so your scalp won’t get stripped. Investing in a hydrating, nourishing conditioner will help oily scalp and keep hair protected from frequent washes.

Dry: 1–2 times per week. A dry scalp should use a nourishing shampoo that is not harsh and doesn’t contain any irritants, parabens, or sulfates as drying could increase. An effective, enriched conditioner will lock in moisture and prepare hair for the next few days.
Normal: 2–3 times per week.

Mixed: 2–4 times per week. Finding a balance and deciding how frequent you should wash works best for this scalp type.

Treatment masks are so beneficial to your hair, especially in the long run! These masks do vary, but I personally love masks that you put in between shampoo and conditioning cycle. These masks help put nutrients and moisture in the scalp before conditioner hydrates and locks them all in. These masks also help with pH balance of your hair and the oil production.

In addition, if you are more of a DIY gal like myself, I like to make some of my masks at home using high-quality bought oils.
The Best Hair Oils:

Rosehip Seed Oil
Coconut Oil
Safflower Oil
Black Castor Oil
Avocado Oil
Olive Oil
Hair Tools

The kinds of tools you utilize to style hair can dramatically change the quality of your hair and the overall look after you finish styling. High quality heating tools, although not preferred, are the better option for your hair. Wide tooth combs provide use when the hair is wet as they don’t damage the hair as much as regular brushes do. When styling and blow drying, a normal brush, or something like a roller brush could be used since the hair has somewhat already dried.
Head Wraps and Shower Caps

Shower caps are not a must, but I prefer using them since I like to wash and condition out of the shower as I do like to use a hair treatment in between my routine. The use of shower caps also prevents oil, dirt, and products from getting onto your skin which could cause breakouts.

Hair Serums and Leave-In Products

Moving onto products . . . honestly, there are so many products out there that it does sort of become a trial and error type deal, but the internet does help a lot when deciding which ones to test. I recommend having one leave in conditioner, one hair oil (preferably dry), one hair serum, heat styling product (to prevent damage), and . . . drum roll please . . . DRY SHAMPOO.

I can’t stress enough that dry shampoo is so important for your hair, any kind, whether its powder or spray. Its volumizes, strips oil, and keeps hair healthier than a regular frequent wash would. Dry shampoo works wonders for dry scalp type and color treated hair, especially.

Water Temperature

This is one of my golden tips I started a long, long time ago. I recommend it to everyone, and tell everyone with treated hair that this . . . is . . . a . . . must; cold water. Ever since I colored my hair, I’ve only used cold water on my hair. It protects your hair and scalp, seals in masks and conditioner, and . . . it prolongs the color of your hair (as long as you aren’t washing the color all the time). I know it’s cold and it might sound dreadful, but give it a try, you will not regret it.

The Enemy of Hair
Heat is basically the devil when it comes to hair, well, we can’t forget bleach as well. But blow-drying your hair is so bad, especially when you do it often to get the fresh, volumizing look like you just got out of the salon. Keep blow drying to a minimum, I will only use heat on my hair if I go to the salon or if it’s some crazy special event. Air drying your hair is extremely beneficial plus you’ll get to see what your natural hair looks like.

Drying Hair

Don’t get rough with the towel. When you air dry your hair, simply let it air dry, or gently pat hair with an old t-shirt; towels with only break hair and increase friction.

How Can Diet Affect My Hair?
Last but not least, diet. Eating a healthy diet, and drinking lots of water will ensure you that you have the best hair you could have because hydration and good health begins from the inside out. Getting those essential fats and nutrients will promote healthy scalp function and new hair growth. And eating healthy doesn’t mean you can’t have certain things . . . I mean anything in moderation, right? So, as long as you maintain a good diet where you’re getting the proper nutrients, you’ll be fine!

The Bottom Line

Good hair is like everything else; it comes with time and understanding. And with time and understanding, you must experiment with trial and error and seek to understand the how’s and why’s of your hair.
To repair damaged or tampered hair, consider the way your treating it. Evaluate the use of heat, hair products, styling tools, environment, and daily habits. Think about what you’re eating, how much water you’re drinking, and how much stress you might be under. Try to eliminate and work around such factors before trying to create a winning hair routine.

To prevent damage and sustain healthy hair, pick up good hair habits such as a clean diet and the absence of heat in your daily life. Chose a variety of products and experiment; interact with your hair and find what works for you.

In the end, it will be worth it, trust me! You’ll find those winning products and habits that produce a big difference in the appearance of your hair!

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