in #life7 years ago

Only those who would stop at nothing to help the less previledged are the ones that are leaving the humanity dream


The world at large believed that only the billionares are meant to support the less previlledged financially or with whatever their money could get them and for this reason the help towards those who really need it all around the world have been so minute.
Come to think of it if everyone in the world that is capable of affording 3 square meal can decide to ration one out of the 3 daily meal for charity, do you think that there will still be the problem of hunger in this our world today?
Though the average people in the world believe that the billionares do find it easy to give certain portion of their assest to charity all because they wanted fame or they actually want the world to see them as an humanitarian but the truth is that There is no one who will gather a lot of assets at a slow pace and then wake up one night that he or she wants to gift it out without remembering the days of humble beginings.


If everyone at large in the world is fully commited to charity then we all can overcome poverty and hardship in all areas of the world. There are some set of people in the world that their financial status have been so high to the point that they cant even phantom what it means by not eating for a whole day or not having at least equivalent of $500 (Usd) in their bank account while you still have some other set of people who are in Internally Displaced Camp(I.D.P) in some part of Africa and other parts of the world that either natural disaster or war has robbed them of all they could depend on to sustain themselves and their families.
Having compassion for one’s fellow men is not a natural trait but understanding that we all need each other to make life an interesting one for ourselves is what makes compassion to become our life.

With Malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right, as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in, to bind up the nation's wounds……Abraham Lincoln

Despite my call for help for the less previledge I still do not support laziness or aimless raising of funds just to squander it without establishing something tangible or without making good meaning out of it. Most people generally have the tendency to be lazy and to look for ends means most especially when given a platform to express their discomfort about life but one must be able to distinguish between raising funds to touch lifes and raising funds to further destroy a life. I am using this medium to call on everyone that will read this article to endeavor that a day does not go by without you doing domething to invest into the life of someone that is dearly in need of help.


The truth is if the so called average standard people are not commited to charity surely the wealthy ones will continue it even though it will not be effective. If most of this write up from the top might seem I am only focusing on finacial aspect of charity then I would say forgive my manners but my intent and hope are that one day even those who do not have money or materials to give out but have time at their dispossal to advice, counsel so as to bring new hope to people who had giving up on life would also give their quota so as to make life interesting for all of us.

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